January 3, 2016 What Is Really Important?
December 27, 2015 The Final Examination
December 20, 2015 The Consequences of Sin Can Outlive Us
December 13, 2015 Seeing God's Glory by Seeing Jesus
December 6, 2015 Abundant Life
November 29, 2015 Why Do Personal Evangelism
November 22, 2015 Two Problems With The Pharisees
November 15, 2015 He Did Not Perish Alone
November 8, 2015 Likewise, Husbands
November 1, 2015 Lord, Help Me To Be Like The Coffee Bean
October 25, 2015 Heap How Can I Get More Out Of Bible Study?
October 18, 2015 Heap Burning Coals
October 11, 2015 Consequences of Neglect
October 4, 2015 Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled?
September 27, 2015 Confessing or Denying
September 20, 2015 Put Away Foreign Gods
September 13, 2015 The Sin of Murmuring
September 6, 2015 Edify One Another
August 30, 2015 Life's Snooze Alarm
August 23, 2015 The Limits of Wisdom
August 15, 2015 Sin, A Leader In The Rough
August 9, 2015 Sin, Guilt, And Depression
August 2, 2015 Seeing The Truth
July 26, 2015 Growing By Going Beyond
July 19, 2015 Marriage: A Portrait of God
July 12, 2015 Your Obituary Has Not Been Written
July 5, 2015 Weakest Moments
June 28, 2015 Who Killed Jesus?
June 21, 2015 A Special Man
June 14, 2015 What Is Good?
June 7, 2015 What's It Worth?
May 31, 2015 Agreeing With Pain
May 24, 2015 Will We Remember
May 17, 2015 In Your Heart
May 10, 2015 Mother's Day
May 3, 2015 Study Daily
April 26, 2015 Does One Still Mean One?
April 19, 2015 Always Do
April 12, 2015 Choose This Day
April 5, 2015 From The Beginning
March 29, 2015 The God of Hope
March 22, 2015 God's "Code" of Conduct
March 15, 2015 Gracious Liberation
March 8, 2015 Amazing Grace
March 1, 2015 A Worthy Inheritance
Feb 22, 2015 What Is Truth?
Feb 1, 2015 Give Your Best
Jan 25, 2015 White As Snow
Jan 18, 2015 The Power of One
Jan 11, 2015 Why Did God Save Us?
Jan 4, 2015 God, speaking to the children of Israel...
Dec 28, 2014 Christ is coming to judge the world.
Dec 21, 2014 We cannot just decide to be more loving...
Dec 14, 2014 What do you expect of God?
Dec 7, 2014 Have you ever remodeled your home...
Nov 30, 2014 A Student of Amherst College...
Nov 23, 2014 What the wicked fears will come upon him...
Nov 16, 2014 I'm sure most of you recognize these three letters...
Nov 9, 2014 Baby giraffes never go to school.
Nov 2, 2014 A man selects a site on his property...
Oct 26, 2014 The soldiers that guard the Unknown Tomb...
Oct 19, 2014 Rob Bell, in his book "Mental Toughness Training for Golf"...
Oct 12, 2014 Forgiveness is one of the most basic duties...
Oct 5, 2014 Along the sidewalk and patio...
September 28, 2014 I grew up on a lake...
September 21, 2014 Several years ago, I read about the world's longest foot race.
September 14, 2014 "So likewise you, when you have done all those things...
September 7, 2014 One of my favorite accounts in the gospels...
August 31, 2014 There are 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs
August 24, 2014 The Apostle Paul was an optimist.
August 17, 2014 I recently finished my class on psychology...
August 10, 2014 Imagine a man with two passions in life...
August 3, 2014 Last week we spoke about sin...
July 27, 2014 This week we will talk about sin.
July 13, 2014 A sign in a restaurant reads...
July 6, 2014 I sometime think about those people...
June 29, 2014 How important is a good conscience?
June 22, 2014 How important is it to be correct?
June 15, 2014 There is a great need in our day for fathers...
June 8, 2014 Americans in general stay in a hurry.
June 1, 2014 The phrase "Lord have mercy," though frequently misused...
May 25, 2014 Let brotherly love continue."
May 18, 2014 The adage, "We all make mistakes," is true.
May 11, 2014 A man came home from work to find his house...
May 4, 2014 Heard this lately?
April 27, 2014 What is God telling me with the problems He permits...
April 20, 2014 We heard a terrific sermon a couple weeks back...
April 13, 2014 Psalms 78:5-7 reminds us the great task of...
April 6, 2014 From a simple observation we can conclude that God...
March 30, 2014 The following is fictitious, I made it up to make a point.
March 23, 2014 Going through my email this week, I saw that Denise...
March 16, 2014 I read a story that occurred during WW II that...
March 9, 2014 This past month, after refusing the job for over a decade...
March 2, 2014 This weeks bulletin is a companion to the sermon...
February 23, 2014 A short passage of Scripture from the pen of...
February 16, 2014 Most people have seen one or more of the best...
February 9, 2014 A certain man was troubled with dizzy spells...
February 2, 2014 When a brain tumor took away...
January 26, 2014 Harry S. Truman once said...
January 19, 2014 The Bereans were among a small group of Paul's Jewish kinsmen...
January 12, 2014 This week bulletin is by far the most difficult to write.
January 5, 2014 Last weeks bulletin was rather lenghty...
December 29, 2013 Water is truly an amazing substance...
December 22, 2013 As Christians we talk about putting our faith in God...
December 8, 2013 While on vacation my family and I were able to attend services...
December 1, 2013 One of the students in the bible class...
November 24, 2013 The definition of the word neglect: "To fail to carry out..."
November 17, 2013 I waited until late in the day for an article...
November 10, 2013 Peace is one of the most treasured...
November 3, 2013 Something to think about today, to go along with Kevin's class...
October 27, 2013 This morning begins with a question.
October 20, 2013 Robert Melanson is a genius!
October 13, 2013 Many people are willing to take a chance...
October 6, 2013 When I first lived in Denver, I was in my early 20's...
September 29, 2013 Many skeptics say, "The proof of God is not there. There is no evidence..."
September 22, 2013 "There is a way which seemeth right...
September 15, 2013 Discouragement is universal.
September 8, 2013 Today the debate rages on as it has in the past.
September 1, 2013 When Homan J. Walsh died in Lincoln an March 8, 1899...
August 25, 2013 Last week we talked about the importance of...
August 18, 2013 One of the greatest gifts God gives us is children.
August 11, 2013 Bless You...
August 4, 2013 "Have a good day", is a common gesture...
July 28, 2013 Anyone who has ever decided to plant a garden...
July 21, 2013 It seems so hard to tell someone you love, NO!
July 14, 2013 It really shouldn't surprise us that so many folks read the bible and don't get it.
July 7, 2013 "But take heed to yourselves...
June 30, 2013 Some priorities we set. Some are set for us.
June 23, 2013 Seldom do we find one so bold...
June 16, 2013 THE ONE TRUE GOD
June 9, 2013 In Eph. 4, we find a discussion...
June 2, 2013 Figures of Speech abound in the Bible.
May 26, 2013 I really enjoyed the sermon on Wednesday.
May 19, 2013

Larry is about 70 years old...

May 12, 2013

"The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light...

May 5, 2013

Life is full of choices to make.

April 28, 2013

In the book of Acts...

April 21, 2013

Life is full of choices to make.

April 14, 2013

We admire a person who, against all odds...

April 7, 2013

I have been thinking about the good fight...

March 31, 2013

On the morning of July 4th, 1776...

March 24, 2013

Lee and Marilyn. John and Rhonda...

March 17, 2013

"And the one whom seed was sown on the rocky places...

March 10, 2013

The Apostle Paul declared...

March 3, 2013

During the last snowstorm...

February 24, 2013

There is an expression among us who exercise...

February 17, 2013

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil..."

February 3, 2013

Considered by many to be the most surpassing...

January 27, 2013

After hearing Matthew�s sermon on liberty...

January 20, 2013

Richard Lovelace once said,"Stone walls do not a prison make...

January 13, 2013

"Again the Kingdom of Heaven is like...

January 6, 2013

This space for rent!

December 30, 2012

Have you driven down a highway and seen one or more white crosses...

December 23, 2012

Enoch, found in the fifth chapter of Genesis...

December 16, 2012

Charles Darrow was out of work and as poor as a pauper...

December 9, 2012

Paul says,"Preach the word; be instant in season...

December 2, 2012

"Therefore be imitations of God...

November 25, 2012

The seeds were the giveaway.

November 11, 2012

1John 1:7 says, "But if we walk in the light..."

October 28, 2012

The wise man in the book of Proverbs...

October 21, 2012

The wise man in the book of Proverbs...

October 14, 2012

Does God answer prayers? In a word, Yes.

October 7, 2012


September 30, 2012

Have you ever wondered what percentage of ink covers a page?

September 23, 2012

"Mine eyes fail thy word, saying, when wilt thou comfort me?" Psalms 119:82

September 16, 2012


September 9, 2012

"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness." Matt 6:33

September 2, 2012

Scriptures like 1Corinthains 6:19-20 and Romans 12:1 teach...

August 26, 2012

Second Chronicles 14-16 records the reign of...

August 19, 2012

In the last bulletin I wrote we talked about...

August 12, 2012

It has no right to be there!

August 5, 2012

"Enter through the narrow gate...

July 29, 2012

Paul instructs us through the colossian letter to...

July 22, 2012

A few years ago I preached a sermon on Rahab the harlot.

July 15, 2012

I want to commend Bible class teachers...

July 8, 2012

"As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord...

July 1, 2012

This story is not my own...

June 24, 2012

"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for..."

June 10, 2012

"There has been many times in my life...

June 3, 2012

At my job safety is always a concern.

May 27, 2012

A couple of weeks ago I filled in for Mike teaching the class.

May 20, 2012

When I was twelve years old, I entered the workforce...

May 6, 2012

So probably by now you already noticed the fine graphic stuck in the bulletin today...

April 29, 2012

Often it appears we really know better, when we actually know nothing at all.

April 22, 2012

Most of you men know that when your wife says "I don't care" it doesn't really mean...

April 15, 2012

I searched and searched but could not find it.

April 20, 2012

Whenb I was twelve years old, I entered the workforce...

April 8, 2012

Last Sunday was the monthly singing and for the invitation...

April 1, 2012

Let's face it some things require expertise.

March 25, 2012

The bible says...

March 18, 2012

On Wednesday evenings in the adult class...

March 11, 2012

Good morning and may God bless each one of you.

March 4, 2012

On Jan 21" of 2009, a woman walked upon a stage...

February 26, 2012

Everone knows that you need food to nourish our bodies.

February 19, 2012

Opera, often a lot like girls, is something I just don't understand.

February 12, 2012

At work, one of the folks who works with me...

February 5, 2012

I have to admit I am a movie...

January 29, 2012

Imagine if today you found ou the Bozemans moved to Indiana!

January 22, 2012

What is it about these crazy turkeys?

January 15, 2012

The turkeys should have tipped me off!

January 8, 2012

Last week I was discussing how I had to clean up my system...

January 1, 2012

Mr Peabody, set the wayback machine for two weeks ago!

December 18, 2011

It's hard to figure out coincidence sometimes.

December 11, 2011

A guy walks into a bar...

December 4, 2011

I just haven't made up my mind about laughing.

November 27, 2011

In my quest to own all things Gamecube,...

November 20, 2011

How does the saying go?

November 13, 2011

"He's no monster, Gaston, You are!"

November 6, 2011

One of the greatest thrills in sports is...

October 23, 2011

Use it; don't let it go to waste!

October 16, 2011

The story is told of an old man...

October 9, 2011

"Before Abraham was, I am."

October 2, 2011

Visiting other churches in other places reminds me...

September 25, 2011

Last week I wrote about flunking out of school.

September 18, 2011

When many kids go to college, they flunk out.

September 11, 2011

Remember the Maine?

September 4, 2011

There was a surprising, out of character moment in...

August 21, 2011

Someone passed this along to me a while back...

August 14, 2011

This week my boss and my boss's boss came out...

August 7, 2011

Football season is almost upon us!

July 31, 2011

These days everyone in the news is talking about leadership.

July 24, 2011

Most of you have come to my house...

July 17, 2011

2 Kings 4:1-7 tells of a woman...

July 10, 2011

I am one of those "list people."

July 3, 2011

My wife occasionally accuses me of being bossy...

June 26, 2011

A strange thing happened at last week's services...

June 19, 2011

It's not hard to think of outstanding Bible women...

June 5, 2011

When I first started playing around with computers...

May 29, 2011

"There is an opening for a well-rounded, personable, patient...

May 22, 2011

I started playing the piano at 9.

May 15, 2011

Here's a quick SF story from the 50's that...

May 8, 2011

A few people have noticed the change in the bulletin...

May 1, 2011

Where I work I meet all kinds of people...

April 24, 2011

This bulletin is about the nuts and bolts of being a Christian!

April 17, 2011

A couple weekends ago...

April 10, 2011

No peeking!

April 3, 2011

Hawwwwwwwk! My wife and I have been thinking about raising chickens.

March 27, 2011

Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight-

March 20, 2011

I read this interesting (but not well written) story...

Marcy 13, 2011

Have you ever wondered if God has a sense of humor?

March 6, 2011

When I went to school...

February 27, 2011

You just didn't do it justice.

February 20, 2011

When We Ask The Wrong Questions

February 13, 2011

I gave the old man his moment in the sun!

February 6, 2011

It's no secret I like science fiction...

January 16, 2011


November 28, 2010

Property rights are a t ricky thing sometimes.

November 21, 2010

Today's bulletin may seem to bounce around a little!

November 14, 2010

I have a piece of wire on my desk...

November 7, 2010

You know, iron is pretty tough stuff.

October 31, 2010

Being a SF reader...

October 24, 2010

I don't know if we're willing to admit it or not,

October 17, 2010

Scientists say that our sun is only one of...

October 10, 2010

A How do we balance our busy lives...

October 3, 2010

A The other day, I was watching some engineers...

September 26, 2010

A preacher had been on a long flight home...

September 19, 2010

About a century ago, a fellow named "Crihfield" started building houses...

September 12, 2010

It's said at the end of each of the gospels.

September 5, 2010

Ever notice how hard it is to change someone's mind...

August 29, 2010

We went to Sturbridge Village a few weeks ago.

August 22, 2010

You might call the them "signs fo the times."

August 1, 2010

You may not know me, but I know everything about you.

July 25, 2010

I have a water issue at my house,...

July 18, 2010

We often mention the difference between southerners and northerners.

July 11, 2010

Wasn't it just last week Mo...

July 4, 2010

When many of us were kids...

June 27, 2010

"Dance conforming to the music"

June 20, 2010

What do the movies "The Ten Commandments,"...

June 6, 2010

There are many times that we see God...

May 30, 2010

I am at a school in Brazil...

May 23, 2010

A man that is a heretic...

May 16, 2010

I just got back from my business trip...

May 9, 2010

When I was a small boy, my mother...

May 2, 2010

At my house, we fly our flag 24/7.

April 25, 2010

This past week...

April 18, 2010

Question: Who buried Jesus?

April 11, 2010

It must have been all of the bulletins on...

April 4, 2010

There was once a man who'd had some sheep...

March 28, 2010

Psalm 13 From Despair to Trust

March 21, 2010

If you can't "bear" to read one more story about Philmont...

March 7, 2010

An arrowhead always points the way.

February 28, 2010

You're only as good as your thermostat.

February 21 2010

Why I oughta...

February 14, 2010

There's an old saying...

February 7, 2010

For Heaven's Sake!

January 31, 2010

As some of you may or may not know...

January 24, 2010

We've had a lot of science related bulletins...

January 17, 2010

Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures...

January 10, 2010


January 3, 2010

In the computer industry...

December 27, 2009

Once upon a time a great prince...

December 20, 2009

A couple of weeks ago...

December 13, 2009

The views expressed in this bulletin do not represent...

December 6, 2009

Once there were three trees on a hill in the woods.

November 29, 2009

Some of our company this past holiday feast...

November 22, 2009

When we bought our house here,

November 15, 2009

When I was a kid,

November 1, 2009

This bulletin today could be considered rather stinky.

September 6, 2009

It was a dark night along the Missouri River, dark and quiet

August 30, 2009

When someone I love dies,

August 23, 2009

The other day I was thinking about how often we confuse control with ownership.

August 16, 2009

How to love your wife.

August 9, 2009

Not all that long ago, a pretty girl came to visit my wife.

August 2, 2009

Stop me if you've heard this one before.

July 26, 2009

In the early 1700's, God held a far higher place in America�s thinking than it does now.

July 19, 2009

Today�s bulletin is my annual �garage sale� bulletin,

July 12, 2009

Henry Ford reportedly liked his cars cheap, reliable, and black.

July 5, 2009

The tune was a popular British drinking song,

June 28, 2009

In Uncle Shelby�s ABZ Book

June 21, 2009

This may be the strangest David and Goliath story you have ever heard!

June 14, 2009

Being a Good Husband - #4

June 7, 2009

�And I hope that where I travel, they will say of me...

May 31, 2009

�I passed by his garden and marked with one eye how the Owl...

May 24, 2009

There were one a couple of young men in a small village...

May 17, 2009

How to Love your Wife - #3

May 10, 2009

Once upon a time there was a little boy...

May 3, 2009

We�ve had two weeks straight of propaganda...

April 26, 2009


April 19, 2009

Come to the Meeting with Ed Harrell!

April 12, 2009

How to Love Your Wife - The Husband�s Handbook - Article #2

April 5, 2009

The winds of change are blowing at the Crihfield house.

March 29, 2009

I made a strange statement last week that I�d like to expand on a bit.

March 22, 2009

Mike had a good lesson last week about the after life.

March 15, 2009

Last night, I visited a strange church and listened to a pair of angels sing!

March 8, 2009

(sometimes folks have opportunities to hear the truth but instead)

March 1, 2009

Have you ever thought how ironic it is...

February 22, 2009

Do you know what this is?

February 15, 2009

I saw the strangest thing the other day.

February 8, 2009

There are some nice things about growing up in a small town.

February 1, 2009

Sometimes it�s all about the numbers!

January 25, 2009

As some of you may or may not know...

January 18, 2009

How quickly we forget�

January 11, 2009

I hate interruptions but I didn�t mind them...

January 4, 2009

We�ve talked so much about it at church,

December 28, 2008

This is the story of Allie, Sally, and Nelly.

December 7, 2008

At 6:00pm, on Tuesday, November 2, 1920,

November 30, 2008

Somebody had a �sense of humor!�

November 23, 2008

�Flying back from Lubbock I saw Jesus...

November 16, 2008

In the little town of Lisbon...

November 9, 2008

Thanks to all who helped on the clean-up,

November 2, 2008

�Some time ago, quite some time ago actually,

October 26, 2008

�I�ve been having fun with Juan lately

October 19, 2008

�It�s not like we live in a Norman Rockwell world�

October 12, 2008

I love history because it is mainly stories about people...

October 5, 2008

If you�ve talked to me this past week...

September 28, 2008

It might be hard to believe...

September 21, 2008

�Don�t take any wooden nickels!�

September 14, 2008

Today�s bulletin is from a fellow in Atlanta named David Maxon

September 7, 2008

This was the bulletin I thought I'd never get to write!

August 31, 2008

There was one a good Christian family...

August 24, 2008

There's a new search engine for the Internet

August 17, 2008

We are just getting started in the book of Revelation

August 10, 2008

Home grown!

August 3, 2008

Poor old brother Randy is always looking for someone to write a bulletin.

July 27, 2008

I think Bill Krause has edged out Dave as the head deacon!

July 20, 2008

What�s that under there?

July 13, 2008

Ok. Here's the scenario.

July 6, 2008

It�s possible that most of you...

June 29, 2008

Where�s a cop when you need one?

June 22, 2008

So I�ve been using this stuff called Gorilla Glue,

June 15, 2008

Some time ago, I bought for my son Dave,

June 8, 2008


June 1, 2008

Eat mor chikin!

May 25, 2008

Salvation is of the Lord!

May 18, 2008

I was mistaken!

May 11, 2008

Suppose there was a gas station...

May 4, 2008

Often you can recognize something right away

April 27, 2008


April 20, 2008

If you're ever wanting to pray for our country's leaders

April 13, 2008

Sam was tinkering with the engine

April 6, 2008

Last week I intended to write about

March 30, 2008

There is just a subtle difference

March 23, 2008

Warning! Everything you are about to read may or many not reflect the opinions...

March 16, 2008

I am one of those list making

March 9, 2008

Last week I talked a bit about a girl

March 2, 2008

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away in another lifetime...

February 24, 2008

Junk keeps arriving in the mail, from that worldwide garage sale.

February 17, 2008

I had a revelation at lunch the other day!

February 10, 2008

As I understand it, soap comes in various forms: solid. powdered. liquid, and paste.

February 3, 2008

I'm quick on the trigger - with targets not much bigger than a pinpoint

January 27, 2008

Even a man who is pure in heart, and says his prayers by night

January 20, 2008

Attendance is rather low on Wednesday nights

January 13, 2008

Last week I had a hum-dinger of an error in the bulletin

January 6, 2008

I got a call the other day from the Red Cross

April 1, 2007

I really like Randy!

March 25, 2007

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail, and mortal life shall cease

March 18, 2007

The Lord has promised good to me, his word my hope secures

March 11, 2007

Through many dangers, toils, and snares, l have already come

February 25, 2007

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me

February 18, 2007

It's almost time for a change!

February 11, 2007

A long time ago, in what seems like a whole different lifetime

February 4, 2007

This week I got a letter from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

January 28, 2007

It wasn't long ago I was discussing the (false) idea of the "rapture"

January 21, 2007

I believe most folks read the bulletins

January 14, 2007

This past week, I've been trying to get new speakers

January 7, 2007

One day, I was at this breakfast/sandwich shop

December 31, 2006

And we've come to the "end" of another year.

December 24, 2006

My wife's speedometer lies to her!

December 17, 2006

Are You Jesus?

December 10, 2006

I love chocolate, and that's why it deserves another look!

December 3, 2006

This bulletin is for someone who was once a member here

November 26, 2006

Hello everyone!

November 19, 2006

I dabble in electronics now and then

November 12, 2006

This came from someone I thought was not that godly a person

November 5, 2006

I had occasion to go to court this week

October 29, 2006

It's Saturday evening

October 22, 2006

Not long ago, Sandy Hayes told me �I like you Randy.�

October 15, 2006

Yesterday morning I had to get up early

October 8, 2006

Writing a bulletin is a lot like cooking dinner

October 1, 2006

This weekend, I saw Mo and Janet eating lunch

September 24, 2006

Stay with me here

September 17, 2006

By their fruits ye shall know them.

September 10, 2006

Before I sat down

September 3, 2006

We've got new symbols in the bulletin today

August 27, 2006

The lesson today is meant to remind us

August 20, 2006

This week, I spent a lot of time going over our vacation photos

August 13, 2006

One of these things is not like the others

August 6, 2006

Therefore be ye also ready

July 30, 2006

Remember last year's bulletin

July 16, 2006

Here's something to think about: the sun

July 9, 2006

Some things are as obvious

July 2, 2006

I�m not here today

June 18, 2006

There's something I hear people say all the time

June 11, 2006

Last week I wrote about feeding birds

June 4, 2006

My wife and I put a lot of bird food out at our house

May 28, 2006

There's a fairly new song out by Kenny Chesney

May 21, 2006

There's a song that I think is in our song books

May 14, 2006

George Patton was a funny, as in strange, guy sometimes

May 7, 2006

What is the church of Christ?

April 30, 2006

I'd like you to consider the words of James

April 23, 2006

There are many, many things in life

April 16, 2006

Whenever I go on a trip for work

April 9, 2006

Hello Everyone, I am writing this week's bulletin

April 2, 2006

Some time ago, before I was born

March 19, 2006

My dad likes to tell about a time

March 12, 2006

They say football is a game of inches.

March 5, 2006

Hello Brethren!

February 26, 2006

This is so neat.

February 19, 2006

I blame that Matt Melanson!

February 5, 2006

I have some good news for you

January 29, 2006

I was too busy to write the bulletin today

January 22, 2006

As you all certainly know by now

January 15, 2006

This week I got an email from Kieran

January 8, 2006

You can get worldly wisdom from all types of places

January 1, 2006

I want to start the new year right

December 25, 2005

Not long ago, I had the opportunity to work

December 18, 2005

It was a pleasure spending time with Christians

December 11, 2005

Last week I wrote about being sick

December 4, 2005

I caught a "bug" just over a week ago

November 27, 2005

Most folks are such dreamers!

November 20, 2005

I had several ideas for bulletins

November 13, 2005

Last Sunday night at the singing

November 6, 2005

I don't worry about who's going to preach

October 30, 2005

There's an old preacher story

October 23, 2005

We go out into the world

October 16, 2005

Quite some time ago

October 9, 2005

Paul Simon sang in Central Park

October 2, 2005

It's a dark bulletin today

September 25, 2005

Usually when things are rusty

August 28, 2005

It's simple, really

August 21, 2005

This is one of those �author unknown� things

August 14, 2005

I read once in a book

July 31, 2005

Often times when I make the invitation

July 24, 2005

There are scratches on my pew

July 17, 2005

I had a whole different idea for the bulletin

July 10, 2005

Charlotte Doan sent me an article

July 3, 2005

There was a very strange news article

June 19, 2005

They tricked me!

June 12, 2005

Deniese was the first to notice it

June 5, 2005

I had put off until this morning

May 29, 2005

Tomorrow is Memorial day

May 22, 2005

When spring arrives

May 15, 2005

The Day of the Son

May 8, 2005

I needed to invest a little money

May 1, 2005

And this commandment we have from Him

April 24, 2005

I've had to deal with someone

April 17, 2005

If you took a good look

April 10, 2005

Not all that long ago

April 3, 2005

If you know me

March 27, 2005

My father likes to tell the story

March 20, 2005

I wrote this last week

March 13, 2005

Danielle and I have been Christians

March 6, 2005

I'm not really sure how or why these things happen

February 27, 2005

Ricardo Montalban tells an amusing story

February 20, 2005

My water filter change is overdue

February 13, 2005

My dad wrote this story down for me

February 6, 2005

I told Randy I had a potential bulletin

January 30, 2005

Ya know how in some movies

January 16, 2005

I had a hard time coming up with a bulletin

January 9, 2005

I had a dream.

January 2, 2005

Here in New England

December 26, 2004

People are always seem

December 19, 2004

I admit it, I'm a failure.

December 12, 2004

A few weekends ago

December 5, 2004

"Don't do that!"

November 28, 2004

If you were here Wednesday night

November 21, 2004

Someone had mentioned that I was overdue

November 14, 2004

I have had a fair number of events

November 7, 2004

"Nobody stepped up."

October 31, 2004

I'm really not sure how this bulletin is going to turn out.

October 24, 2004

This may be the heaviest bulletin you have ever held!

October 17, 2004

I have read with interest a few articles

October 10, 2004

It's all about choices, baby!

October 3, 2004

We often say we should be careful

September 26, 2004

My son often teases me

September 19, 2004

Wally said he had a hard time

September 12, 2004

The other day, I got a phone call

September 5, 2004

The mind is an interesting thing

August 29, 2004

I've often wondered why God invented night.

August 22, 2004

A man is being tailgated by a stressed-out woman

August 15, 2004

It's a rambling, historical bulletin today

August 8, 2004

Do you know this famous red character?

August 1, 2004

We all do dumb things.

July 25, 2004

I've been teasing my wife

July 18, 2004

Life is really like a wave

July 4, 2004

A few months ago

June 27, 2004

You probably wonder if I'm

June 20, 2004

Sometimes the world is based on half-truths

June 13, 2004

There's a place just north of I-495

June 6, 2004

Do you really care what this bulletin is about?

May 30, 2004

Last week I wrote about a story

May 23, 2004

The air was hot on the planet

May 16, 2004

Have you ever stopped

May 9, 2004

As it happened, I didn't get laid off

May 2, 2004

It's layoff time again at work

April 25, 2004

There's a sign on the wall

April 18, 2004

I may have ranted about this before

April 11, 2004

My sister-in-Laws

April 4, 2004

Have you ever thought

March 28, 2004

There were many things as a kid

March 21, 2004

The pill reminder box

March 14, 2004

Not long ago, I was down driving

March 7, 2004

I am an old guy now, thanks to a 40th birthday

February 29, 2004

I was thinking of you and your family

February 22, 2004

Last week I mentioned I'd been suffering

February 15, 2004

I was sick Friday night

February 8, 2004

I'm approaching my fifth year

February 1, 2004

What's up with gum anyway?

January 25, 2004

Clean Sweep

January 18, 2004

I'd been saving this old story

January 11, 2004

I wore a dress shirt and tie

January 4, 2004

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch

December 28, 2003

If you missed the class on Proverbs

December 21, 2003

In a few days from now

December 14, 2003

I had the pleasure of the Melanson family

December 7, 2003

Sometimes things don't happen

November 30, 2003

It's that holiday time of year again!

November 23, 2003

As it happens

November 16, 2003

Ink pink you stink!

November 9, 2003

If you have ever tried to preach

November 2, 2003

A piece of bubble gum

October 26, 2003

I do not know how many

October 19, 2003

I guess I was wrong

October 12, 2003

I know some of you hate SF

October 5, 2003

I had to laugh Sunday night

September 28, 2003

Have you ever seen my house?

September 21, 2003

I really appreciate Tom's bulletin

September 14, 2003

The other night

September 7, 2003

On a couple of occasions

August 31, 2003

There almost wasn't a bulletin today

August 24, 2003

In the Wednesday night class

August 17, 2003

A while ago I had the opportunity

August 10, 2003

There's a particular event

August 3, 2003

Last week you may have noticed

July 27, 2003

A few Sunday nights ago

July 20, 2003

I had the opportunity to attend

July 13, 2003

Many of you being parents

July 6, 2003

A while ago, Mr. Mo and Janet went down to Texas

June 29, 2003

I like Science Fiction

June 22, 2003

The other day Dave and I were chatting

June 15, 2003

Among a variety of inventions

June 8, 2003

My dogs are spoiled

June 1, 2003

Teach Your Children Well

May 25, 2003

My son is stepping up

May 18, 2003

Medical school is over

May 11, 2003

Last week, Sun Microsystems

May 4, 2003

I Come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses...

April 27, 2003

Well, another meeting has come and gone

April 20, 2003

I know you won't believe this

April 13, 2003

A funny thing happened

April 6, 2003

Not long ago

March 30, 2003


March 23, 2003


March 16, 2003

Day by Day

March 2, 2003


February 16, 2003

Top Ten

February 9, 2003

His Seal

February 2, 2003

Looking ahead

January 26, 2003

What about that beam?

January 12, 2003

Why we are the way we are...

January 5, 2003

Give them that 2000 year old gospel

December 29, 2002

On the shelf

December 16, 2002

The Sacrifice

December 1, 2002

That could be a good bulletin!

November 17, 2002


November 10, 2002


November 3, 2002

Busy, Busy, Busy

October 27, 2002

The Proof of Your Faith

October 20, 2002

Open Book

October 13, 2002

Before and After

September 29, 2002

Preach the Word

September 15, 2002

A Dog's Life

September 9, 2002

Grandpa's Sign

September 1, 2002

Staying Connected

August 25, 2002

Fifteen Minutes

August 11, 2002

The Laws of God

August 4, 2002

Seventy times seven

July 28, 2002

You're not listening to me!

July 21, 2002

The things of this world

July 14, 2002

And many happy returns

July 7, 2002

God won't ask

June 30, 2002

The Carpenter and Two Brothers

June 16, 2002


June 9, 2002

Your adversary - the devil

June 2, 2002


May 26, 2002

The stars shall fall from heaven

May 19, 2002

And now...the weather

May 12, 2002

Fight the good fight

May 5, 2002

Tell me a story

April 28, 2002

A little poison

April 21, 2002

Two sides of a coin

April 14, 2002

Twenty-five dollars a day, once a month!

April 7, 2002

Here am I. Send Me.

March 31, 2002

Simple Things

March 24, 2002

Take action!!!

March 17, 2002

Seek and ye shall find

March 10, 2002


March 3, 2002

Every man's work shall be made manifest

February 24, 2002

No Renewal

February 17, 2002

Are You Striving?

February 10, 2002

So many friends...

February 3, 2002

Rejoice evermore

January 27, 2002

What! No Internet!

January 20, 2002

Wants vs. Needs

January 13, 2002

Squash that bug!!!

January 6, 2002


December 30, 2001

Work, for the Night Is Coming

December 23, 2001

Be Prepared!

December 16, 2001

Teach Your Children

December 9, 2001

The Best

December 2, 2001


November 25, 2001

You Never Know

November 18, 2001

A Matter of Timing

November 11, 2001

The Preacher's Coffee

November 4, 2001

Where do you put your faith?

October 21, 2001

Pouting and Whining

October 7, 2001

Fish or cut bait? Why not both?

September 30, 2001

It's in the stars (or maybe bars)

September 23, 2001

Stocks? Bonds? Bombs?

September 16, 2001

Our day of infamy

September 9, 2001

Exploding metal a good thing?

September 2, 2001

Hackers of a different sort!

August 26, 2001

"This is your life!"

August 19, 2001

I'll title this later...

August 12, 2001

Nathan bug, Nathan bug

August 5, 2001

Toil and Trouble!

July 29, 2001

Hungry for the word

July 22, 2001

Satan is sub-standard

July 15, 2001

Elvis is everywhere!

July 8, 2001

What a rush!

July 1, 2001

The Fighting Intern

June 24, 2001


June 17, 2001

A pound of prevention...

June 10, 2001

To the CLUELESS he's the ANSWER!

June 3, 2001

One day of sadness and rejoicing

May 27, 2001

It was (not) gone in a flash!

May 20, 2001

That sower's still a-sowin'

May 13, 2001

Don't judge a book by its suspenders

May 6, 2001

You really bug me!

April 29, 2001

Let's drop the big one!

April 22, 2001

Penn-y for your thoughts

April 15, 2001

And you thought Crispus was a bible character!

April 8, 2001

Who'd a thunk it?

April 1, 2001

What kind of fool am I?

Mar 25, 2001

Is there time enough for Sin?

Mar 18, 2001

Creation without God? What a snow job!

Mar 11, 2001

How does one "see" God?

Mar 4, 2001

Free Handbaskets for any who want one!

Feb 25, 2001

A little salt lights a long way

Feb 18, 2001

If I knew you were coming...

Feb 11, 2001

Gold is where you find it!

Feb 4, 2001

When is it good to be in hot water?

Jan 28, 2001

That one last detail can kill us!

Jan 21, 2001

May the 4's be with you!

Jan 14, 2001

UNIX is my friend!

Jan 7, 2001

Drink up? I think not!

Dec 24, 2000

Give me that old time Cookie religion!

Dec 17, 2000

Maybe you CAN choose your relatives!

Dec 10, 2000

The Oat that roared!

Dec 3, 2000

Give until it hurts!

Nov 26, 2000

Opportunity is pounding!

Nov 19, 2000

Who was that masked man?

Nov 12, 2000

Surely these are the worst of times!