"Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail, and mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil a life of joy and peace"
- John Newton
I really like Billy!
It's funny in a way how some folks are. It seems we either think too much of ourselves, or we may think less of ourselves than we
should. Billy is often the latter when it comes to himself. He doesn't see the encouragement he gives me. When he speaks with me, his
earnestness and bright eyed honest desire to do what's right often puts me to shame. Yet when you tell him what a good job he's doing or
the great example he is showing he immediately downplays it. It's not false modesty, either, Billy really doesn't take the credit he
could. I think it's a lot because he is never satisfied with the effort he makes, he always want to do better, to reach farther, to be
even more perfect in his service to God. That is often how it is when we are new in Christ and growing with that new convert zeal, yet
Billy's been a Christian for a while now and I don't see any letting off the gas!
It's not just Billy, either, there are many here who act the same way. I know we want to be sure we're not prideful, and it's better to
err on the side of being too humble than thinking more of ourselves than we should. Yet all of our members are wonderful and I am
delighted to know you all, from the quiet folks like Kathy Leach to the much less quiet Kathy Dugas' (and the Kathy Brockelman�s in
between!) When the Bozemans come, they're going to find a fine assembly of Christians waiting for them with expectations and open arms.
I have never met Mike or Monica or their children. I was in Yellowstone when they came here to interview with our group. I've been told
Mike is a lot like Kurt, which means I imagine him as tall, mild-mannered, intelligent, a well prepared speaker, and semiserious.
Probably, like Billy (and Kurt!) he will be a great example to us without realizing he's doing it - and will not see it even when we
point it out to him. As I said, I've never met the guy, but if he really is Kurt-like then I like him already! This morning, their
expected arrival is only 23 days away, just over three weeks.
And what will they find waiting for them? That is what came to my mind as I was talking to a past member this week who's left our
assembly. The reason he gave me was that, in part, we are not friendly. Oh, certainly we study the word and are very knowledgeable but
we don't show enough love. Upon hearing that or words like it, Billy looked at himself and seemed to believe the fault was his; that he
hadn't done enough (in spite of the huge amount he already does!) to express the love this person felt was lacking.
My brothers and sisters, my family, there is no lack of love here. I have felt the affection from all of you, and I have seen it shown
in countless ways. I know some express it better than others, but that does not mean it is in short supply on the part of any! No, we do
not always get along perfectly. No, we do not always agree on all things. Yes, some are more difficult to love than others, not because
they are prickly (well, I am now and then!) but often because they tend to withdraw themselves from the rest of us. It's difficult to
express love to a person that only comes to worship services and won't spend time with you over dinner, at a potluck, or some other
social occasion. Yet one day Christians will all be together, for eternity, in one place. Heaven.
And what will we find waiting for us? Each other. And likely a shared sense of Billyitus. How did we ever do enough to possess this life
of joy and peace?