Hello Everyone, I am writing this week's bulletin
Hello Everyone, I am writing this week's bulletin while Randy is away, it's amazing how you get used to having someone like Randy taking care of the bulletin each week, then when he's away one week, you realize how tough it must be to prepare a bulletin each week. I had trouble just putting this one together! He does a fine job and should be commended more often, but anyways before he left, I had volunteered my services, actually it's more like I owe him a bulletin or two, but that's a whole other bulletin...
I was watching the news recently and heard about the new abortion pill, RU-486 or Plan B as most people call it, and apparently seven women have already died from complications from this pill, and then I read an article in the newspaper about a man who was having an affair with a woman, and was subsequently murdered by a hit man hired by the woman's jealous husband!!.... and I began to think about all this, and it occurred to me that these people probably never thought that their lives would be taken as a result of their sin, in fact it's probably that way with most people, even Christians! when we give in to temptation and sin, probably the furthest thing from our minds is the chance that our lives might be over, it is said that the average lifespan is around 70 years or so, and so most people think they will live to somewhere around that age, but that is foolish thinking. I think what's even worse than this, is the fact that a lot of people don't think about or realize that their sin is separating them from God, and ultimately could lead to spiritual death! !..losing you life is one thing, but losing you soul for all eternity and missing out on Heaven is....well sad!!� try to imagine if you will, your life as a giant tug-of-war between good and evil, with God behind you on the good side, and Satan on the evil side, and every time you sin you pull yourself further away from God and closer to Satan...think about that next time you are tempted to sin.