Coincidence can be an amusing thing. Consider this, from a village in Ohio near to the village that I grew up in: Newton Falls
- The zip code in Newton Falls, Ohio is 44444
- There are 4 Councilpersons in 4 wards, who serve for 4 years. There is a Councilperson-At-Large. So that is 5 members of Council, who serve in 4 wards. That is 5 fours (44444)
- We have one of the largest fireworks displays in the area on the 4th of July.
- Our current City Manager, Dennis Kirkland has been with Newton Falls for 4 years as of June 7, 1997.
- Our current City Clerk, Kathleen King, has been with the City since 1994.
- Every single member of council has a 4 in their mailing address (not counting their zip code), except two, whose street address' last two digits add up to 4. In addition, Hildack's P.O. Box ends in 4 and his street number's first two digits add up to 4. It is no coincidence that Thomas McKee's address starts with 4 since he is the 4th Ward Councilman.
- Newton Falls became a City in 1960. In 1980, because the population dropped to below 5,000 (4 thousand something), it returned to Village status. That was 20 years later or 5 - 4's later (5 x 4 = 20)
- Mayor Pat Layshock is serving a 4 year term.
- Newton Falls has a 4th Avenue off West Broad St. That in itself is not unique, but there are no 1st, 2nd or 3rd Ave. off West Broad St. The numbered streets start with 4th.
- Newton Falls is located on State Route 534.
- The population of Newton Falls is approximately 4866.
- Approximate number of families in Newton Falls is 2134.
- The amount of land area and surface water in Newton Falls is 5.864 sq. kilometers and 0.194 sq. kilometers respectively.
- The distance to the Ohio state capital is 134 statute miles.
- Newton Falls is positioned 41.188925 degrees north of the equator and 080.969834 degrees west of the prime meridian.
- We have a 4th Street (of course).
There was once a man who lived in Newton Falls who was born April 4th. He, of course, lived on 4th street with his 4 children. His phone number was something like 872-4443. There were many other 4�s in his situation. Because of this, he was on the national news at 6:00 one night, which of course meant he was on in Colorado at 4:00.
The people in Newton Falls find the number 4 cute and amusing, but that�s it. Many people, however, make a big deal out of numbers. They study them, they plan around them, in some ways they even worship them, holding them in high regard. Numerology, or the study of numbers, is considered right up there when people get involved with astrology or the occult. People invent ways that these things mean something, and they use this supposed �insight� to guide their lives. Rather than turning to the clear truth delivered from God, they put stock in babblings and ramblings, believing the universe will somehow help them where the bible cannot. They usually have to really s-t-r-e-t-c-h pretty far to make these numbers work! Talk about faith in something intangible!
How sad. Reminds me of a comic I once read in the paper. One of the characters was trying to lose weight, so he tried all the fad diets. A second character suggested, �How about just eating less and exercising?� �Too radical� was the reply. Is study of the bible and obeying it too radical for us? It had better not be!