It has been a pretty cold week here in New England, with a couple
days this past week not even hitting twenty degrees. Many of
the people I work with take their vacations at this time of year,
hopping on jets to exotic places like Cancun or Jamaica. The cold
temps drive them to it, these seemingly long winters need a break.
I understand their want for a warm week of weather, a reminder
that winter snows are eventually going to give way to spring
rains and summer haze. Imagine if the devil could put up
billboards and buy advertisements to tempt us. He would put
up plenty this time of year:
Why be cold when you can be warm forever? Think hell!
Had enough of the crowds? Come to a place where you can be alone
at last!
Hell: The other eternal destination!
Vacation where no pager will bleep, no cell phone will ring!
In fact, no one will ever find you!
There�s a place waiting with soft aromas, with an atmosphere of total
freedom and no responsibility!
Tired of snow? There�s no snow in hell!
Why torment yourself? Let hell do it for you!
Most of your friends and family will be here, why not you too?
Tired of the mysteries of the bible? Come to hell for answers!
Have a devil of a time in hell!
Actually, though, I already see a lot of billboards and
advertisements put up by the devil. He would like me to gamble
and drink, because he knows sin is caused by loss of self control,
and these things absolutely contribute to that! He thinks I need
to spend all my time making money buying bigger and better things,
so I don�t have time left to study about God. He�d like me to
ignore my family, and in fact he puts pretty men and women in
these ads in an attempt to make me dissatisfied with my mate,
maybe to the point of destroying my marriage. Then, see, my
children would not have a stable foundation. Yes, the devil
already puts out a lot of advertisements, much more effective
than the ones I suggested above. And they are everywhere, in
magazines and books. Along roads and on TV. On our shirts
(yes, on our very backs) and on the radio. He pleads with us,
he gives us advice, he threatens us, and he pats us on the head.
The devil rules this world.
It�s winter. The world is cold and hostile. The days are dark,
the breeze bites our skin. We know better days are coming, and
we wait patiently for them. We anticipate great things, if we
just get through these times of misery. Do you long for summer
to come?
Make no mistake. I�m not talking about a season, I�m talking about