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Jeremiah once said of the inhabitants of Jerusalem: "Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? No! They were not at all ashamed; nor did they know how to blush" (6:15). The inhabitants of Jerusalem lost their sense of shame - their consciences had been seared. Their moral standard had become so base that evil became good while what was good became evil (cf. Isaiah 5:20).
It is a tragic thing for a nation to lose its ability to distinguish between good and evil; but it is happening now, in our society. It is no longer a disgrace to be divorced, for the unmarried to be sexually active, to have children out of wedlock; abortion has become an acceptable form of birth control, homosexuals have "gay pride." And no one blushes! But those who do blush and who also speak out against such things are often vilified.
In recent years, for example, it has been extremely unpopular to speak out against the practice of homosexuality. Those who do speak out are accused of being hateful, unenlightened and homophobic.
Sadly, there is a small number of people who genuinely hate homosexuals; who take pleasure in inciting others to hate them. This is horrible and ought to be offensive to everyone, but especially to Christians. For Jesus teaches that it sinful to hate ANYONE (1 John 2:9-11; Matthew 5:43-48).
But some would have us believe that it is hatred to even speak against homosexuality. But God, who "is love" (1 John 4:8), does not hate homosexuals. Yet, He has spoken and made it abundantly clear that same-sex sex is unnatural, degrading and indecent (Romans 1:26-27), that it is a lawless and rebellious act (1 Timothy 1:8-10) and that those who practice it are on the road which leads away from Him (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). It is neither ungodly nor unloving to speak out against homosexuality.
Homosexuality is not a righteous activity. There should therefore be no pride associated with it! And yet, this is exactly what is happening. June has been designated Gay Pride Month.
Homosexuals (with the help of a number of clerics) are attempting to overrule the judgment of God concerning homosexual behavior. In addition, they are working to persuade the rest of us into believing that homosexuality is as legitimate as heterosexuality - that it is not a vile and shameful practice, that it is not an unnatural activity. But right thinking people will neither be convinced nor will they participate in this attempted coup against Jehovah. For they realize that it is doomed to fail (Psalm 2). Sure, they will be maligned for taking this stand, but they are in good company (Luke 6:22-23).
Homosexuality is not a lifestyle to be prideful about and homosexuals do not need encouragement from the rest of us to continue in this shameful activity. What they need is a loving hand extended to them in order to help them overcome this sin; they need to learn about Jesus - his love for them and his ability to save and to empower them to overcome this and every other sin.
It is a true statement, deserving full acceptance -- God loves you no matter who you are or what your sin may be. His desire is that each of us turns from our sin and to Jesus so that we can be saved. If you wish to learn more about Jesus please feel free to contact us. Our phone # is (973) 649-6437 or you may email us.
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