The Christians at Tyngsboro, MA are a spiritual family of redeemed sinners in various stages of growth. We’re focused on frequently studying the Bible together, praising His glory together in worship, and maturing together in service and love. Please join us as we work together for the King!
2025 Lessons from Titus
Christ’s Return – 2 Peter 3:1-18
Christ-centered worship: we praise God and instruct each other through singing (Ephesians 5.19, Colossians 3.16), pour out our hearts in prayer (Acts 2.42, 1 Thessalonians 5.17, and honor Jesus’ sacrifice by eating His commemorative meal together on Sundays (1 Corinthians 11.23-26, Acts 20.7).
Christ-centered Bible study: following the example of Christians in the New Testament, we will gather to study the scriptures in classes and hear the Bible proclaimed in sermons (Acts 2.42, 20.7). These studies are focused on the text of the Bible, full of practical applications, and helpful in understanding the full scope of God’s plans for the world.
Christ-centered giving: since we see early Christians collecting money on Sundays for the specific needs of other Christians, we use our Sunday morning gathering as an opportunity to do the same (1 Corinthians 16.1-2, 2 Corinthians 9.7). The money we collect is used to further the teaching of Jesus’ gospel in our community and other communities around the country. Visitors are not asked to contribute.