Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 8:07
pm -- Mark's Rebuttal to Kieran's (Papasmurph's) First Post
How Bad Are Children...and
the rest of us?
Papasmurph objects to the doctrine of total depravity
because he says it paints a picture of infants that is contrary to God�s Word.
He accuses us of holding that infants possess a nature identical to that of
Satan himself.
In response, I would first say so what if that is the case?
Papasmurph doesn�t offer any Scripture stating that infants have a good nature,
an innocent nature, or even a bad nature that is just less evil than the
Devil�s. This is nothing more than an anecdotal appeal to the emotions. Who
wants to look at a cooing baby and say anything bad about it? I certainly
don�t. But I am not the one who judges hearts, and if God�s word makes a
statement about the nature of a child who am I to argue?
Secondly, Scripture makes no differentiation between the
nature of children, and the nature of anyone else. What Scripture says of man
includes all men descending from Adam by ordinary generation. It is at this
point that Papsmurph�s presentation is weakest. He greatly minimizes the fallen
nature of man. Papasmurph doesn�t feel the weight of simple Biblical statements
like �inclination of [man�s] heart is evil from childhood� (Genesis 8:21). It
is no insult to God or to a child for the inspired Word to claim �The wicked
are estranged from the womb; these who speak lies go astray from birth� (Psalm
58:3). Jesus has very strong words for those who did not listen to His words:
do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot hear My
word. "You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires
of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the
truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks
from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:43,44)
Jesus says here that men are totally unable to respond to Him
(you cannot hear My word) because they are �of their Father the devil�. This is
not a very flattering picture of man, but it does run contrary to the
underlying assumption of Papasmurph�s objection which seems to be that we are
insulting man for pointing out his evil nature as a result of the fall. Jesus
said �If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children��
Luke 11:13). It is no insult to man to point out that he is evil. Was Paul
wrong to point out that we used to walk �according to the prince of the power
of the air� (Ephesians 2:1-3)? Or that we were �by nature children of wrath�?
Total depravity is not wrong for pointing out �the hearts of the sons of men
are full of evil and insanity is in their hearts throughout their lives�
(Ecclesiastes 9:3). It may be the case that men do not have a nature as evil as
the Devil�s (something we never claimed), but neither does man have a nature as
good as the objection assumes.
Imputation of Sin
I would like to remind the reader that both I and Micah
begged our opponent�s to keep the debate on topic, and original sin is not it.
Though it may be impossible to debate total depravity without debating original
sin, the two are not synonymous. The heart of this debate is whether or not man
can respond to the gospel on his own in a fallen state, not how man ended up in
that state.
Nevertheless, I do think Papasmurph�s assertions need a
response. Ultimately, if Papasmurph is right, there is no atonement and no hope
of peace with God through justification, and therefore no gospel. Papasmurph
denies unequivocally that man�s guilt can not possibly be imputed to anyone
else: �Each person dies for his own sins alone��. I hope it is painfully
obvious to the reader that this type of theology is utterly destructive of the
atonement of Jesus Christ for His people. Papasmurph, Jesus died for the sins
of other people. These sins were imputed to Him (there is no other way for the
sins of His people to �get to Him� than imputation). If your theology is
correct, there is no possibility of a substitutionary atonement. Machen said it
�Well I should just like to point out to you that if it is
impossible in the nature of things for one person to bear the guilt of
another person�s sins, then we have none of us the slightest hope of being
saved and the gospel is all a delusion and a snare. At the heart of the
gospel is the teaching of the Bible to the effect that Jesus Christ, quite
without sin Himself, bore the guilt of our sins upon the Cross. If that be
true, then we cannot pronounce it impossible that one person should bear the
guilt of another person�s sins.� (The Christian View of Man, 215).
The flip side is also true. If guilt can not be imputed, neither
can righteousness, and Papasmurph destroys the doctrine of justification. For
in the justification, rather than sin, the spotless righteousness of Jesus
imputed to us. How can guilt not be imputed, but righteousness can? Ultimately
Papasmurph�s leaves every man with no hope whatsoever.
These considerations being true, Papasmurph ignores the key
Biblical passage on this doctrine: Romans 5:12-21. In verse 12 Paul says sin
came into the world �through one man, and death through sin, and thus death
spread to all men�. If sin causes death, and death spread to all men through
the actions of Adam, it stands to reason then that sin also spread to all men
through the actions of Adam as our representative. In verse 18 Paul says
condemnation came to all men through the offense of one, and in verse 19 Paul
says that the many were �made sinners� by the disobedience of one.
Do Commands Imply Ability?
Papasmurph says that total depravity is wrong because it
teaches that man cannot choose to do right. I hope everyone can see that this
is assuming the matter under debate. We�re debating whether or not the fall of
man leaves him unable to respond, it makes no sense to reply that this doctrine
is wrong because it leaves man unable! Neither does Papasmurph present a single
text of Scripture proving that man has the ability to respond to divine
commands. The mere presence of divine commands does not prove ability.
Papasmurph cites Matthew 11:28 (�Come unto me��, but he ignores the words just
prior to that (�no one knows the Son except the Father; nor does anyone know
the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him). The
best Papasmurph can do is admit that the concept of ability is �assumed� in
every command of God. But why assume that when we have the abundant testimony
of Scripture that fallen man �cannot please God� (Romans 8:78), �cannot come�
to Christ unless the Father draws him (John 6:37-45), is unable to discern the
things of the Spirit because they are foolishness to him (1 Corinthians 2:14)?
Robert Reymond responds to this objection well:
�God deals with man according to his obligation, not according
to the measure of his ability. Before the Fall, man had both the obligation and
the ability to obey God. As a result of the Fall, he retained the former but
lost the latter. Man�s inability to obey, arising from the moral corruption
of his nature, does not remove from him his obligation to love God with all
his heart soul, mind and strength, and his neighbor as himself. His
obligation to obey God remains intact. If God dealt with man today according
to his ability to obey, he would have to reduce his moral demands to the
vanishing point. Conversely, if we determined the measure of man�s ability
from the sweeping obligations implicit in the divine commands, then we would
need to predicate total ability for man, that is to say we would all have to
adopt the Pelagian position, for the commands of God cover the entire horizon
of moral obligation.� (A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith, pg.
If Papa is right, man has the ability to keep the Law in
full detail (since it is commanded), the ability to be perfect as his heavenly father
is perfect (since it is commanded), and to love God perfectly without sin
(since it is commanded). I hope it is painfully clear then, that it is a grave
error to assume ability is implied by the command.
There is still so much to get to, but not enough space to
do it fully.
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Kieran's first post
Micah's first post
Steve's rebuttal
5 Short Questions