CAN YOU ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS ABOUT JESUS? (Fill in the form and click the Submit button at the bottom of the test.)
Using your own Bible, find the answers to the following questions. Place an X by the correct answer.
1. (Acts 2:38) Baptism is to be in the name (by authority) of:
Jesus Christ The man doing the baptizing The church
Jesus Christ
The man doing the baptizing
The church
2. (Acts 8:12) The believers who were baptized in Samaria were:
Infants Children Men and women
Men and women
3. (Acts 22:16) Saul was told to be baptized:
To please his parents That sin might be washed away To obtain a certificate
To please his parents
That sin might be washed away
To obtain a certificate
4. (Galatians 3:27) We are baptized into:
The denomination of our choice Christ A local church
The denomination of our choice
A local church
5. (Colossians 2:12) Baptism is:
Sprinkling A burial Pouring
A burial
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