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2016 – 2018



(8/23/15) We Cannot Avoid the Living God (Gen 3)

(5/10/15) Lamp Parable in Mark 4


(11/16/14) Hope in Lamentations

(9/28/14) Come to Me (Mt 11:28)

(9/14/14) Faith and Obedience

(9/7/14) Take Courage John 16:33

(8/31/14) Learning How To Be Content-Phil 4:10-13

(8/24/14) Peace-Phil 4:2-9

(8/10/14) Citizens of Heaven-Phil 3:20-21

(8/3/14) Press On!-Phil 3:12-14

(7/6/14) Paul’s Conversion 3:7-8

(6/22/14) Rejoice In The Lord-Phil 3:1-7

(6/15/14) Serving Others-Phil 2:19-30

(6/8/14) Work Out Your Own Salvation-Phil 2:12

(6/1/14) An Appleal for Unity-Phil 2:1-11

(5/25/14) Paul Tells the Philippians that “Things Are Going Well”-Part3

(5/11/14) Paul’s Joy in the Philippians-Part 2

(5/4/14) Joy in Philippians-Part 1

(4/13/14) Noah

(4/6/14) Jesus Wept

(3/23/14) Why Do We Assemble?

(3/9/14) Evidences (Pt 3) The Resurrection

(2/23/14) I Am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

(2/9/14) Creation Versus Evolution

(1/26/14) Endurance

(1/12/14) Behold The Lamb of God


(12/8/13) We Will Serve the Lord

(12/1/13) Loving The Lost Like God

(11/24/13) And the Word became flesh… (Jn 1:14-18)

(11/17/13) In The Beginning… (Jn 1:1-5)

(11/10/13) A Friend of God

(10/27/13) Sowing the Seed (Mk 4:26-24)

(10/20/13) Sink or Walk

(9/29/13) Supporting Preachers

(9/22/13) The Work of Preachers

(9/15/13) The Character of Preachers

(9/8/13) Developing Preachers and Teachers

(9/1/13) The Need For Preaching (Rom 10)

(8/25/13) Man’s Plans and God’s Plan

(3/17/13) What Is A Christian?


(9/30/12) The Beloved

(8/19/12) The Deceitfulness of Sin

(7/22/12) Before The Foundation of the World

(5/6/12) Just As I Am


(1/23/11) Reading vs Understanding the Bible


(6/13/10) I AM WHO I AM


(6/28/09) Repentance

(4/26/09) The Prodigal Son

(3/22/09) Courage


(6-29-08) Judgment Day


(11-21-04) Psalm 1

(6/12/05) Redeeming the Time

(12/11/05) The Rich Young Ruler

(12/18/05) How To Pray

(12/11/05) The Rich Young Ruler

(12/18/05) How To Pray

(12/25/05) What Effect Am I Having on Others?

(1/8/06) The Parable of the Landowner

(1/15/06) Be Peacemakers

(1/15/06) A Warning About Stumbling

(1/29/06) Grace and Obedience

(2/19/06) The Importance of Hearing

(2/26/06) Walk in a Worthy Manner

(3/12/06) The Resurrection

(3/19/06) Regeneration

(3/26/06) Lessons From Cain and Abel

(3/26/06) Living Faithfully in the Word

(4/6/06) Expediency

(5/14/06) The Parable of the Lost Sheep and Coin

(7/23/06) God’s Covenant With Abraham

(7/30/06) Disciples Leaving Jesus

(8/27/06) Return to the Ancient Paths

(9/10/06) Does the Holy Spirit Operate Directly Upon the Heart of the Sinner?

(9/17/06) Fellowship With the World

(9/17/06) Fellowship With the World

(01/21/07) Judgement

(02/11/07) The Church At Ephesus – Rev. 2

(02/11/07) The Church At Smyrna – Rev. 2

(02/25/07) Falling Away

(03/11/07) A Wise Builder

(11/11/07) Psalm 51

(1/20/08) Why Did Jesus Heal on the Sabbath?

(4/27/08) Giving in Difficult Times

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