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Building and Maintaining Faith in Babylon

Sabbath Rest


The True Church

More Difficult Proverbs

The Parable of the Self-Righteous – Luke 18:9

Qualities-Character Traits for Spiritual Growth, Pt4, (2 Peter 1:3-10)

Qualities-Character Traits for Spiritual Growth, Pt3, (2 Peter 1:3-10)

Glorifying God While Single – 1 Corinthians 7

The ruler of this world will be cast out – John 12:31

Love One Another – John 15:12-17

You Need to Pray-Book of James

Thank You Mothers

The Importance of Maturing in Christ

The Angel of the LORD

Set Your Mind on Things Above-Colossians 3:1-4

Tempted in the Garden-Luke 22:39-46

Jesus and the Outcast-Mark 5:1-20)

God Doesn’t Get Tired

Elijah: Even Prophets Get Discouraged

Outside The Camp

If The Foundations Are Destroyed-Psalm 11

The Religion of Self-Worship

Receive the Word – James 1:19-21


Endurance…looking to Jesus…the founder and perfector of our faith – Heb 12:1-2

Greed-Luke 11:13-34


Devoted to the Prayers- Acts 2:42

What Is God’s Will for the Individual?

Leave the Crowd to Hear the Word of God-Mark 7:31-35


Psalm 23 – Verse 1 The Lord Is My Shepherd

Preserving and Pursuing Local Church Unity

A Living Sacrifice – Overcome Evil With Good – Romans 12:19-21

When You Fall Off the Path

That They Be One-Jesus’ Prayer for Unity in John 17

A Living Sacrifice – “Live Peaceably With All” – Romans 12:17-18

Is God Sleeping? Psalm 44

In the Absence of Shepherds-Scriptural Principles for this Time

The Mountain of the Lord – Isaiah 2

Isaiah in the Throne Room – Isaiah 6

A Sanctuary for the Lord

The Mountain of God (Communion)

The Plagues, the Passover, and the Parting

The Heart of the King in the Hand of the Lord

Face to Face with God

Ruthless Taskmasters, Heavy Burdens

Finding God in Egypt

God’s Prescription for Discourgement

A Living Sacrifice – 2023 Theme -Be Lowly Romans 12:6

Make Every Day Count

The “Free Thinker”


The Wiser Woman

Unworthy Slaves – Luke 17:7-10


A Living Sacrifice – Rejoice and Weep (Romans 12:15)

“You are gods” – John 10:34

Stars in the Universe – Phillipians 2:12-18

Our Struggle is Not Against Flesh and Blood

The Intolerance of Jesus – John 2:13-22

A Living Sacrifice (2023 Theme) “Bless and Do Not Curse” – Romans 12:14

The Thunderous Roar of God’s Silence

Reminders For This Season


Love and Humility of Jesus-Philippians 2:3-5

The Value of the Lord’s Supper


Is It Worth It?

The Proverbs Fool

Dinner with a Pharisee – Luke 7:36-51


A Living Sacrifice: Contributing to the Needs of the Saints, Romans 12:13

Saul and David

Haggai (Part 2), A House of Glory – Haggai 2:1-23

How to Effectively Preach the Gospel

Consider Your Way! (Haggai 1:1-15)

Jesus Begins His Ministry-Luke 4:14-30

Do Not Be Deceived

A Living Sacrifice-Rejoice in Hope-Romans 12:12

The Qualities of a Shepherd-Part 2

Remembering Jesus and His Prophecies While on Earth About 70 AD

The Qualities of a Shepherd-Part 1

The Heart of Shepherding

Church Leadership-The Role of Elders

Mothers in the Bible

A Living Sacrifice (Romans 12) – Fervent In Spirit (12:11)

Important Versus Essential

Lamb of God


“Other Worldly”


Different Levels of Commitment To Christ

Two Steps To Heal The Blind Man – Mark 8:22-26

Justice-Part 2

“With Unveiled Face” Exodus 34, 2 Corinthians 3

First Love – Revelation 2:1-7

A Living Sacrifice – Brotherly Affection and Honor, Romans 12:10

Fear Not, O Zion Zephaniah 3:9-20

“Sir, We Wish to See Jesus” John 12:20-26

Only God Covers Sin

Justice (Part 1)

Gather (Zephaniah 2:1-3:8)

Why I Believe That There Is A God

A Living Sacrifice-Abhor Evil, Hold Fast to Good (Rom. 12:9)


Why Are You Here Today?

Pursue Happiness

The Power of the Invitation

The Golden Calf – Exodus 32

I Will Sweep Everything Away – Zephaniah 1


A Living Sacrifice – The Gift of Prophesy Romans 12:6

A Living Sacrifice-2023 Theme, Genuine Love-Romans 12:9


Pharoh’s Hardened Heart

Goals-New Year Resolutions for 2023

Using Our Gifts of Grace – Romans 12:3-8

“Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?”

By Many Or By Few – 1Samuel 14:1-23

The Sun of Righteousness – Malachi 4:2


A Living Sacrifice (2023 Theme)


Why Did Jesus Have To Die?

Undenominational Christianity

The Fields Are White – Our Outward Focus

The Great Physician

Finding My Faith

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Saved Through Water-Baptism in the Story of Scripture

Bearing God’s Name-Your Invisible Tattoo

Biblical Sorcery-It’s Not What You Think

Tabernacle-The Overlap of Heaven and Earth

The Church at Antioch-Acts 11, 13

Awesome God

The Abundant Life in Christ–John 10:10

All Peoples, Nations, and Languages

Where God Put His Name

Are You Asking The Right Questions?

The Fields Are White: Foolish Good News-The Gospel

How to Meditate on the Word (Luke 8:4-18)

Lord’s Supper-Why Is the Resurrection Important?

Cost of Following Jesus (Luke 9:23-27)

How to Combat Anxiety-Look at the Birds (Mt 6:25-34)

How To Know You Have Eternal Life-Love Your Brothers

How To Know You Have Eternal Life-Obey His Commandments

How To Know You Have Eternal Life-Believe Jesus Is The Christ

What Is Church Membership? (Acts 9:26-31)

Barren No More (Isaiah 54:1-8)

Are You Confident in Your Salvation?

Are You Thankful for Your Healing?

Zealous for Good Works – Titus 2:1-14

The Fields Are White-Exhorter (Joash):2Chronicles 24

Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

Humility Comes Before Honor-Luke 14:7-14

Satan and His Tactics

Hell-Why Must It Exist?

Yahweh Will Provide-Genesis 22:1-18

Words and Language

The Fields Are White-Servant (Phoebe) Rom 16:1-2

The Cup of Jesus


Jesus Before The High Priest

Does the Bible Have the Right Books?

Washing Dirty Feet

Paul’s Farewell to the Ephesians

The Fields Are White – Brainstormer (Nehemiah)

“Sir, We wish to see Jesus”

Worship God

Finish What You Start

A Tale of Two Kings

Salvation Is Free-It’s Discipleship that Costs

The Fields Are White-Connector (Barnabas)


The Mind Of Christ

The Story No One Would Have Invented

As Though He Needed Anything

Faith is the Evidence

Irreducible Complexity

Would You Like to be a Prophet?

The Sons of Rechab – Jeremiah 35

Walk in Wisdom – Colossians 4:-18

Appreciating The Kingdom of God

Christ in the Home (Colossians 3:18-4:1)

Colossians – Put on Jesus (3:12-17)

The Fields Are White – Inviter (Philip, John 1:41-46)

The Lord’s Supper

Colossians-Put Off The Old Self (3:1-11)

The Fields Are White: Host (Matthew)

Trust God, He Will Bless You (Psalm 115)

What’s In A Name?

No, Not One

Colossians – Don’t Be Disqualified (2:16-23)

Colossians – Walk in Him (2:6-15)


Colossians – Christ in You (1:21-2:5)

Colossians-Jesus Is Over All (1:15-20)

Colossians-Delivered and Transferred (1:9-14)

Psalm 86

Colossains (Reserved Hope 1:1-8)

The Fields Are White-Teacher (Paul)

Lessons from Jesus’ Apostles

Wrestling with God (Gen 32:22-31)

How to Hear a Sermon

Peter (My Story with Jesus)


Do Not Grow Weary

The Fields Are White-The Seven Roles of Evangelism


The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness (1Cor. 3:21-4:5)

Seeking and Knowing God in a Modern and Technologically Advanced World

Maranatha! (1Corinthians 16:22)

The Collection (Acts 16:1-2)

Who Is Worthy? (Revelation 5:2)

The Lord of Harvest

O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?

My God, My God why hast thou forsaken me?

Ready for Good Works (Titus 3:1-15)

Romans 12 Be Transformed

Grace Has Appeared (Titus 2:11-15)

What Humans Should Be Like (Titus 2:1-10)


Titus-Titus’ To-Do-List (1:5-16)

Titus-The God Who Never Lies (1:1-4)


Family Groups

The Crown Has Fallen (Lamentation 5)

Before, Now, and Then

Pray Without Ceasing

Redeeming the Time

A Glimpse of Hope (Lamentations-3)

The Day of Anger (Lamentations-2)

A Marriage that Works (3): Meeting Each Other’s Needs

The Blessing and Power of Forgiveness

A Marriage that Works (2): Overcoming Love Busters

A Marriage that Works (1): How to Keep Love Alive

How to Give and Receive Critism

How to Have the B.E.S.T. Marriage

Setting Priorities and Living the Balanced Life

No Comfort-Lamentations 1

Lamentations-The Bible’s Book of Grief


Submit to One Another

What is the Lord’s Supper?

Give Us A King

Are You A Pharisee?

The Story of Scriptures in the Psalms

The Last Songs Jesus Sang

The Growth of the Church-Acts 9:31 (Comfort of the Holy Spirit)

Little People

The Growth of the Church-Acts 9:31 (Fear of the Lord)

The Growth of the Church-Acts 9:31 (Built Up)

The Growth of the Church-Acts 9:31 (Peace)

The Value of Single Christians

Would You Join the Corinthian Church?

What Is Truth?

The Tree of Life

The Kingdom of God-Part 4

Christianity Fits Your Deepest Needs

The Steadfastness of Job

The River of Life

Finding Identity in God

The Search for Meaning

Remembering God in Your Youth (Eccl 11:8-12:8)

Created in Christ Jesus for good works (Eph. 2:10)

Colonists of Heaven (Pressing On Towards the Goal)

A Reading of Philippians

Colonists of Heaven (He Will Transform Our Lowly Bodies)

Colonists of Heaven (Join In Imitating Me)


Colonists of Heaven: Joy in the Lord

Colonists of Heaven

Rescue the Wandering (James 5:19-20)

The Kingdom of God (part 3)

Colonists of Heaven

Scarcely Saved

Why Take God Seriously

I AM (Jesus:the New Exodus)

Draw Near To God (Part 2)

Draw Near To God (Part 1)

I AM-His Purposes for the Exodus

The Kingdom-Part 2

I Am

A Day Is Coming (Zechariah 14)

The Pierced One (Zechariah 12-13)

The Greatest Commandment

The Shepherd King (Zechariah 9-11)

The Absolute Truth

The Kingdom of God

Did You Fast for Me? (Zechriah 7-8)

The Branch Shall Build (Zechariah 4-6)

God Chooses Jerusalem (Zechariah 2-3)

Self Control

What God Wants When Life Is Hard

Return to Me (Zechariah 1)

Hebrews:Encouragement for Tired Christians

A Disciple of Christ

The Church That Jesus Built

Isaiah in the Throne Room (Isaiah 6)

Imitate Good (3 John)

Truth and Lovd (2John)

That You May Know (1John 5:13-21)

The Lord Is King Forever (Psalm 10:16)

Proclaim the Lord’s Death

Submission in 1st Peter

Overcoming the World (1John 5;1-12)


God Is Love (1John 4:7-21)

Imperfect Faith

Painless Faith?

Mary’s Faithful Response

Faith, Courage & Success

Compartmentalized Faith

Comprehensive Faith

God’s Purpose Will Stand (Proverbs 19:21)

Jesus’ Last Days (Readings from the Gospels and Psalm 22)

But God

Test the Spirits (1John 4:1-6)

The Message From the Beginning (1John 3:11-24)

Born of God (1John 2:29-3:10)

It Is the Last Hour (1John 2:18-28)

See and Take


Do Not Love the World (1John 2:12-17)

The Son is the Radiance of God’s glory (Heb 1:3-4)

A New Commandment (1John 2:7-11)

Dealing With Sin (1 John 2:1-6)

Lord’s Supper-What Does It Mean?

God Is Light (1John 1:5-10)

The Ascension of Jesus

Completed Joy (1John 1:1-4)

1John (Introduction)

Love and Gratitude

How To Live In Exile

The Resurrection (What the bible teaches)

The Righteous Response to Devastation (Isaiah 24-26)

Difficult Proverbs (Part 2)

God’s Character (Exodus 34:6-7)

“… not as I will, but as you will.” (Matthew 26:39)

He Bore Our Diseases (Mt 8:14-17, Is 53:4)

What Sort Of Man Is This, That Even The Winds and Sea Obey Him?

Do Not Be Anxious (Matthew 6:25-34)

Family Groups

Jesus and the Psalms

The Song of Moses (Exodus 15:1-18)

Obstacles to Family

Jesus and Forgiveness

Come Let Us Build

Jesus Knows You

Rethinking Church Membership

Is It Worth It?

The Peace of Jesus (Ephesians 2:11-18)

How Early Christians Practiced Family

What Jesus Said About His Family

Is God Real?

God: The Foundation of Family

The Openness of Abraham’s Family (Genesis 18)


Be Strong and Courageous (Joshua 1)

Three Things Sin Will Always Do

Joseph The Just (Matthew 1-2)

Blessed Among Women (Luke 1-2)

So That They May Learn To Fear Me

Our God Is A Consuming Fire (Heb 12:18-29)

The Call of Wisdom and The Gospel Call

The Bible Narrative

Jesus Came To Serve

Tree, Nakedness, Thorns, Death

How Beautiful Heaven Must Be!

What Is The Gospel? (Matthew 5-7)

What Is The Gospel? (Part 2)

Biblical Archaeology

What Is The Gospel?

What Jesus Wants to Do With Your Life (Mt 19:16-22)


The Bread of the Face (Exodus 25)

The Requests of Jabez

Living Water (John 7:37-39)

The Day Jesus Stopped a Funeral (Lk 7:11-17)

Our Hopes Fulfilled

Profiles In Courage

Total Transformation

How To Receive Better Blessings

Twelve Men That Changed the World

What Jesus Started

Life and Death

Can You Trust the Gospels?

The Universal Magnet

Water Purification

“See the Salvation of the Lord”

The Grace to Come

The New Manna

Grace in the Life of Paul

Ministering Manifold Grace

Growing Strong in Grace

This Mystery Is Profound (The Gospel in Ephesians)

How Important Is The Resurrection of Jesus?

Do We Believe the Witnesses?

Tricky Proverbs

“I Am Working” (Jn 5:1-30)

Pray Like Epaphras

Job – The Suffering Servant

It’s Not How You Start, It’s How You Finish

The Truth About Jesus

The Old Testament Prophesy and Us (1 Peter 1)

Road to Emmaus (Luke 24)

Summary Lesson-Someday You’ll Be Old: Lessons from Titus 2

Men: When You’re Old

Women: When You’re Old

Women: While You’re Young

Men: While You’re Young

Euodia & Synthche

The Right Time

The Valley of Decision (Joel 3)

The Way, The Truth, and The Life

Rend Your Hearts and Not Your Garments (Joel 2)

Effects of Individual Actions

Listen To Him!

The Day Is at Hand

The Bones of Jesus

Responding to the Revealed Sins of Others

Sirs, We Wish to Speak to Jesus


The Prince of Peace

Do This In Remembrance of Me

Rejoice! Jesus Ascended

Are We Ready for the Judgment Day?

What Confession Looks Like (Psalm 51)

Desmond T Doss

Are You Obeying James 5:16

How the Cross Exposes Our Sin (Isaiah 53)

The Blood of Jesus


The Master Builder

Self Control

Joy and Judgment

Heart Circumcision

“You Are Gods”

The Weight of the World

The Grace That Brings Salvation

God Gives Good Gifts

I Beheld Satan Falling

The Lord of the Elohim

The Temptations of Jesus in the Wilderness

“The Breaking of Bread”

The Absolute Necessity of Loving Your Brother

“With Unveiled Face”

Jesus’ Oil Press (Matthew 26:36-46)

Preach The Word

A Prophet Like Me (Dt 18:13-19)

Understanding Sin-Part 1

One Man (Romans 5:12-21)

Every Act Counts

Jesus Rules The Beasts

Brought Near

One Ark and One Church

Barren No More

Ruth Chapter 4: A Son Has Been Born to Naomi

Multiplication and Fruitfulness in Jesus

Year of the Lord’s Favor

Ruth Chapter 3: Spread Your Wings Over Me

Jesus Is Worthy

He is not ashamed to call them brothers

For the joy that was set before him

Ruth – Searching for a Redeemer

The Mind Of Jesus

Our Creation

The Last Supper of Israel’s First King

Yahweh Will Provide (Gen 22:1-18)

Ruth-Chapter 1, Returning to God’s Blessings

The Hesed of Jesus

Losing Our Salvation

The Stone Cried Out

Laodicea (Rev. 3:14-22)


The Rock that Followed Them

Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-13)

The Author of Life

Sardis (Rev 3:1-6)

Reflecting on the Lord’s Supper

Where God Put His Name

Our Service to God Will Make a Difference

There is no Alternative to Total Commitment

Why Is Jesus’ Cross So Glorious?

Rebuilding the Foundation of Fellowship and the One Baptism

Rebuilding the Foundation of the Knowledge of God

Rebuilding the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets

How to Teach Those Who Reject the Bible as Inspired

Thyatira (Rev 2:18-29)

The Greater Light


A Tale Of Two Sons

Italy and the Bible

So Great Salvation

Pergamum (Revelation 2:12-17)

The Anointed On (Mark 8:27-30)

Isaiah 55 Jesus’ Great Invitation

Why Are Christians Hated?


Smyrna (Revelation 2:8-11)

The Gospel of Isaiah

Ancient Paths

8-12-18 What Sort of Man Is This, That Even the Wind and Sea Obey Him?

The Unique Security of God’s Love

King Asa (2Chron 16:1-14)


A Flock Not Without Support (1Pet 5:1-11)

Abstain From The Passions of the Flesh (1Pet 2:11-25)


The True Israel

Letter To Ephesus (Revelation 2:1-7)

Only God Covers Sin

Undeserved Sufferings

“Devote Yourself to the Public Reading of Scripture”

The Banquet Feast of Victory

Seeing Scripture in the Chinese Language

Partaking of the Lord’s Supper in a Worthy Manner

The Body of Christ

Lifted Up

The Good Shepherd (John 10:1-18)

Who Am I?

Why Did Jesus Suffer?

The Power of Jesus’ Parables

Are You Thankful for Your Healing?

Much Ado About Culture

The Goodness Has Appeared

Remembering Jesus In The Supper

Seeing As God Sees

The Last Week of Jesus

The Oath of God

Emptying the Cross of Its Power

The Lord of the Sea

Spiritual Warfare

“Out of Your Heart Will Flow Rivers of Living Water”

Rediscovering Our Identity: Prophetic Pictures of the Messiah’s Disciples

God’s Design for Discipleship: Drawn to Jesus

Understanding God’s Desire for Worship and Praise

I Am the Resurrection (John 11)

Jesus-Moses and the Prophets

Bread Of Life (John 6)

Woe To Babylon! (Hab 2:6-20)

Who Are We?

True Greatness

Crucifixion of Jesus

The King of Kings

The Righteous Live By Faith – Hab 2:2-5

What Shall We Call Him?

Are You Not from Everlasting? Habakkuk 1:12-2:1

Proclaim The Lord’s Death…

The Astounding Work Of God

Outside The Camp

Dining With Traitors

The Book of Habakkuk: The Perplexed Prophet 1:1-4

What Happened At Calvary?

Tabernacle: The Overlap of Heaven and Earth-Part 2

Tabernacle: The Overlap of Heaven and Earth-Part 1

Would You Join the Corinthian Church?


The Birth of God

Fulfill Your Ministry

The Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus

Ebenezer Stone

The Greatest Story Ever Told

The Proverbs Fool

The Sign of Jonah

Our Struggle Is Not Against Flesh and Blood

He Led A Host of Captives

You, Me, And The Covenant With Abraham

What The Bible Teaches About Daily Living

Darkness Over All The Land

The Reverse of Babel’s Curse

“For the Forgiveness of Sins”

The Dangerous Allure of Egypt

“Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit”

“It Is Finsihed”

If God So Loves Us…

“I Thirst”

Spiritual Maturity

Jesus Is Mocked and Crucified (Mt 27:27-50)

Asaph’s Crisis of Faith-Psalm 73

“Why Have You Forsaken Me?”

“Woman Behold Your Son”

Resist The Devil

Fear God and Keep His Commandments

What Is Good?

Sacrificial Instruction

Except God Be With Him

Seek First the Kingdom of God

Whatever A Man Sows

“Today You’ll Be With Me In Paradise”

“One Another”

“Father, Forgive Them”

Seeing People Through God’s Eyes

The Lord’s Supper (2)

Of Faith and Fig Trees

Jesus: A Better Blood Sacrifice

Jesus: Avenger of Blood

By Many Or By Few

Dinner With A Pharisee (3)

A Disciple of Christ

Dinner With A Pharisee (2)

Jesus Before Pilate

What Faith Can Do For You

Dinner with a Pharisee (1)

Baptism: In The Larger Picture of Scripture

The Lord’s Supper

The Rock of My Salvation–Psalm 18

Jesus In Joshua

My Soul Thirsts For You–Psalm 63

Jesus Is Delivered To Pilate


The Roman Soldiers Who Understood Jesus

The Scheme of Redemption in Romans 8:28-30

Whiter Than Snow

The Reign of Death

Psalm 52

Remembrance Of Me

Tastes The Lord’s Goodness!


The Trial of the Ages

One Size Fits All

Remembering Jesus

Make Every Effort, Heb 12:13

Religion, Mt 7:13-14

Jesus: Liberator & Conqueror, Is 61:1-2

Blessed Are The Merciful, Mt 5:7

If A Brother Be Caught, Gal 6:1

Go And Do Likewise, Lk 10:37

Go Learn What This Means, Mt 9:13

Most Important Duty, Mt 22:37


The Passover Feast

Rekindle Courage to Keep Holding On

How Do We Know He’s Alive?

The Righteous Outlaw (1)

Certainties of Jesus

The Strange and Reckless Farmer

Jesus’ Death Fulfilled Scripture

Jesus and His Father (4)

Jesus and the Father–What is the Son Like?

And His Name Shall Be Called

Passing Values on to the Next Generation (Deut 6)

Taking Past Failures And Turning Them into Present Successes

How To Instill Honor

Honor Father and Mother

Sacred Vows in Marriage

Marriage As A Spiritual Covenant

Jesus And The Father

Wine In The Bible

Jesus and His Father

Israel Trip Report (second trip)

The Resurrection In Song and Scripture

There Remains a Sabbath Rest-Part 2

There Remains a Sabbath Rest

I’ll Marry You Again

Rescue The Wandering


What Jesus’ Miracles Say About Him

Psalm 22

The Genuineness of Your Faith

Behold, The Lamb of God

The Son Of Man

My Disciples

Joseph and Jesus

The Names Of God

Types of Jesus

The Contribution Challenge

Paradise Is Now Unguarded

Redeem The Time

Why Jesus Came


Psalm 23

The Ezekiel Show

Rebuilders of Ruins

Be Like Children

Oaks of Righteousness


The Heavens Declare

Monuments To His Name

Kingdom of Priests





A Congregation of God’s People-Wrapping Up

Unworthy Servants

What We Should Do Together




Patience and Kindness


Love and Joy

The Value of Seeing Death

Assembling With The Tyngsboro Church

Passover Lesson 2

Why Are You Here?

The Passover Feast

A Congregation of God’s People

Pray Without Ceasing

The Spiritual Blessings Of God

Becoming a Visitor-Friendly Church

What If The Gospel Was False?

Are You Confident in Your Salvation?

The City of God

Elijah’s Discouragement & How God Treated It

Choosing the Good Part-A Tale of Two Sisters

Be Transformed

Encouragement for This Moment


Finding The Seeker


Jesus Understands

Be Strong & Courageous!

Hear These Words and Do Them

Ask, Seek, and Knock


Judge Righteously!

Congregational Worship

Don’t Be Anxious!


Choose Your Master!

Don’t Pray Like A Pagan



God Meant It For Good – Shane Scott

Lessons From Laments -Shane Scott

The Problem Of Evil – Shane Scott

Job Part 2 – Shane Scott

Job Part 1- Shane Scott

God Is Good All The Time-Shane Scott

How We God Our English Bible

Secret Righteousness

Mining Matthew’s Genealogy

Oaths, Retaliation, and Neighborly Love

Anger, Lust, and Divorce

The High Places

Jesus and the Law

The Bible’s “Long Day”

You Are Salt and Light (Mt. 5:13-16)

The Whole Armor of God

The Blessed One (The Peacemakers and those Persecuted for Righteousness’ Sake)

The Blessed Ones (The Merciful and those Pure in Heart)

The First Question God Ever Asked of Man

The Blessed Ones (The Meek and Those Who Crave Righteousness)

Blessed Ones (Poor In Spirit and Those Who Mourn)

Understanding Gossip

Moses and the Messiah

Vision for the Kings People (Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount)

Contend For The Faith (Jude)

Naaman (2Kings 5)

A Taste of Biblical Archaeology

You Shall See The Distinction (Mal 3:13-4:6)

Woman At The Well (John 4)

Does The Bible Include The Right Books?

I Don’t Change (Mal 3:6-12)

The Messengers Are Coming (Mal 2:17-3:5)

For I Have Learned (Phil 4:11-13)

Making a Mess of Marriage (Mal 2:10-16)

Paul’s Farewell to the Ephesians

The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness

Satan Incites David (1Chron 21)

The Judgment Sentence (Mal 2:1-9)

Our Eyes Are On You (2 Chron 20:1-23)

A Polluted Priesthood (Mal 1:6-14)

A Privileged People

Saved To Serve

Excel Still More

Jesus’ Food

What Does God Want in Our Musical Worship?

Washing Dirty Feet

The Final Instructions

Alertness for Jesus’ Return

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