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“Who is my neighbor?”


“Who is my neighbor?”

It was a lawyer question asked with a shoulder shrug -as if the answer was deep and theological. That’s when Jesus told a story… A story about a stranger who was beaten and left for dead.

Fortunately, a Jewish priest happened along. Unfortunately, the priest was busy with things to do and places to go. He saw the need yet sidestepped and walked on. After all, he was a man of God and needed to attend to the Lord’s business.

Fortunately, x2, a Levite from the religious hierarchy came next. Surely, the hurting man’s cries would be answered. Once again, he saw, pretended he didn’t, and walked on.

“But a Samaritan, as he traveled…” This man was traveling, too. He had places to go, people to see, and work to do. “When he saw him, he had pity and went to him…” The very idea that Jesus would paint a Samaritan as good was unthinkable. Yet the Samaritan went the second (and third) mile to make sure the hurting man was helped.

Jesus: “Which of these proved to be a neighbor?”

Jewish religious expert: “The one who had mercy on him…”

Jesus: “Go, talk, and have studies on this question…”

Not exactly. What Jesus said was simple: “Go and do the same.”

The Samaritan was only one yet did what he could. He didn’t wait or hesitate but responded because… he was one.

A simple story… And one we dare not ignore.

-Wilson Adams

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