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So Run

So Run

“Know ye not that they which run in a race run all; but one receiveth the prize?”
(Read 1 Cor.9:24 27) Paul calls attention to the fact that all runners put forth
great effort, first in their training program, and then in the race itself. Yet, only
one may win — only one receives the prize.

Some exegetes seem to think Paul wishes to emphasize that all Christians
could win the Christian race – as opposed to the limited opportunity in the
Grecian races. But I believe the context calls for another thought.

“SO RUN —” (24b) That is, you run the Christian race as though only
one could win. (“Thus” or “So” meaning “after this manner.”) The thought is not
to make Christianity a competition between Christians, but to urge each to
run as though only one would finally be saved; hence, to do away with
complacency, and make each of us aware of the need for greater effort.

In the following verses Paul notes the self–restraint necessary in training, and
the singleness of purpose the athlete must manifest if he is to be successful:
“So fight, I, not as one that beateth the air.” We must know what the fight is all
about; we must have a target, a purpose, and strive meaningfully for the crown.

Paul said, “I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any
means, when I have preached to other, I myself should be a castaway.” (vs.
27) If Paul could say this about himself, how can we coast along the Christian
race track as though all are going to win anyway, so what’s the use of pushing?

But Paul said to run as though ONE and ONE ONLY would win. This is the
proper attitude to have — and how it would change our lives. I believe we would
begin to raise some dust on the track. There would be no more of this “let
someone else do it” talk. We would realize that each must fill his own place, or
suffer loss.

And it might help to remember that we shall be judged severally, as individuals.
(Rom. 2:6) Those who win the prize will be those who pressed hard, every step
of the way.


Robert F Turner

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