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Why Put Him First 

Why Put Him First

Why should I put Him first? Maybe… because He put ‘you’ first.

Does it feel sometimes like God asks too much? To say ‘No’ to temptation, to sacrifice for your family, to be involved in His church, to live an honest and honorable life, and to trust Him even when you don’t understand Him? He seeks first place in your life -not second place or part time, but first place and full time.

Irony: He’s already put you first. “We love because He first loved us.” The One who put you first now asks you, in turn, to put Him first. BTW, God didn’t decide to put you first on the spur-of-the-moment. He pre-decided before He made the world. In other words, before there was a you, God pre-decided you were worth His First: Jesus.

Why would He put you first? Because He loved you.

Think about it. God is your strength, your source, your shield. He is infinite, immeasurable, and incomprehensible. He is self-existent, self-sustaining, and self-sufficient. He has wisdom He didn’t learn and strength He didn’t earn. His ways are higher than yours, His plans are better than yours, and His love is deeper than yours. In fact, He is higher, better, and deeper than you can understand.

Make no mistake, God is devoted to you. Who else can save you? Or heal you? Or forgive you? Who else will always be there for you and never leave your side -even through the hardest of hard?

This: He put you first. It’s time for you… to put Him first.



-Wilson Adams

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