Life's Snooze Alarm

The alarm blaring startled me awake. Just five more minutes, I told myself, as I banged around looking for the snooze button. Four times, I said, "just five more minutes" - Suddenly, it was nearly 30 minutes later than I was supposed to get up and I :vas in a panic. The rest of the day was thrown off kilter because of just five more minutes. I haven't decided if the snooze button is a great invention or a curse. I know it impacts me, because I'll play mind games with it. I'll set my alarm ten minutes early because I can "sneak" in a few extra minutes of sleep when it goes off. The quality of sleep isn't very good, but it seems so much better because it is some sleep I've managed to "steal." Truth be known. I would have slept better if I had set the alarm for the right time and simply got up with it.

I wondered this morning how often God had been calling me and I hit my internal snooze button instead. Just wait a little longer God, just a little longer, just a little longer. Suddenly, I'm running way behind and I missed out on the opportunity to listen or to serve. God puts someone on my heart and says, "Give them a call" or "Drop them a note." I reply, "Okay God, just as soon as I ...."; and then it's weeks later. I find out that in the interim, they had been going through a crisis time and really could have used some encouragement. We all do it, don't we? I think I do it less now than I used to earlier in my Christian walk, but I'm far from perfect. I'm so glad that He is a loving, patient and merciful God.

Martha would have made time with the Lord only after the house was perfect. (Luke 10:38-42) The disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane would have prayed with Jesus after a little nap (Matthew 26:36-43).When will you and I make time to listen and obey? Until next time, may we take the time with Him instead of playing games with life's snooze alarm.    Eric