There is a
great need in our day for fathers to live up to their God-given tasks. One of the reasons that the church is as weak as it is in many places is because fathers are not
fulfilling their spiritual duties.
One of the reasons that so many of
the youth of our day are involved in drugs, premarital sex, gangs
activity, and a host of other sinful things
is because fathers are not fulfilling their
responsibilities. It is time that we as
fathers and grandfathers realize the
awesome responsibility we have in
molding our children's spiritual lives.
It is time that fathers do more with their children than just play ball with them. It is time for fathers to act like spiritual giants in the family.
We do not
need fathers today who will pitch their tents toward Sodom as did ancient Lot. When
time came for the separation of
Abraham and Lot, he clearly made a
choice towards materialism. This
turned out to be a disastrous choice!
Sodom was not a prosperous place for the raising of a family. If righteous Lot was tormented day by day by the wickedness surrounding him, just
think about the effect this would have on
his family. Fathers, are we making choices with our families spiritual
well being in mind? All too often we are making poor choices that hurt
our families, think about it and pray
for God's help Dad's! !
We do not
need fathers today who will not restrain their children like the Eli of old. Fathers who
are too permissive
are the greatest enemy of a child. Ours is a permissive age, and our society becomes more and
more permissive with
each passing day. It
was said of Eli that his children were so wicked because he restrain them not. I cringe hearing those words with
my name substituted for Eli's, I simply
cannot bear the thought of my children being synonymous with wickedness,
and yet all one has to do is look at the statistics of fatherless children or children with
fathers who are absent in their
lives. These children never seem to
have a chance. Many boys and girls grow up and never see daddy set out a
boundary line for their actions. They
never hear daddy say no to their demands, or have a daddy that loves them enough to guide and discipline them. Children's role models today are celebrities and
sports athletes and they are terrible
at it. Dad's, it's up to us to be involved in our children's lives, lets man up and be the role model they
We do not
need fathers today who practice theft, deception, and dishonesty as did Achan
in Joshua's day. The practice of dishonesty marches rampantly through the world
today. The world will teach our children to get ahead by any means
necessary, and will further teach them that they are entitled to it. How can fathers who practice dishonesty
be good fathers? When children see tools
taken from the job, goodies from the Holiday
Inn, or bragging about short changing
the local merchant they will be influenced. Dad's, the Bible has a lot to say
about being dishonest and deceptive,
and to be quite frank there isn't much
worse than a dishonest man. Our
family needs to see us as an honest
man full of integrity.
We need
fathers today who will emulate Enoch, who was a father who walked with God, a man of great faith, and a man who was not afraid to speak out
against ungodly speech and conduct. Are we as fathers leaving this kind of example for our children?
We need
fathers today who will emulate Noah, who was a great father. He was concerned about the saving of his children and he
taught them. He was called a preacher of righteousness and he walked with God
leaving his children a great example to follow. Are we as fathers teaching our children as Noah did so long ago?
We need
fathers today who will emulate Abraham. If Abraham would have failed as a
father it is doubtful that he would have
had the title "father of all them that believe" (Romans 4:11) We need fathers today who will emulate Joshua. Joshua trusted in God
when others would not (spies ... promise land) ... what a great
example to leave his children! Joshua
didn't care what other fathers were doing - he and his family were going
to serve the Lord! How about it
dad's? Are we setting the example and showing our children to trust in the Lord? Have you determined that you and your family will serve the Lord?
We need
fathers today who will emulate Zachariah, the father of John the Baptist. As fathers it would be high praise if the qualities said of Zachariah in Luke 1:5-6, were said of us. These are high commendations for a man. It is worth noting here that he
acquired these qualities before he
became a father, and he choose a wife
with the same qualities! What this
says to us men is that godly preparation for fatherhood is imperative. Men
need to excel in the keeping of biblical commands if they are going to succeed
as fathers::
Today is
Fathers' Day, a day that we remember and give respect unto our fathers - a day that we say thank you, but let us also use this day to evaluate our fatherhood. Are we
being the kind of fathers that will be of spiritual benefit to our children? Are
we being the kind of fathers that are pleasing unto God? Dad's, let us work harder in our obligations as
the father of our children. Eric