"Code" of Conduct
Last week we heard an outstanding
bulletin from our brother Nathan. This week
I decided we would hear from a familiar voice. I want to mention as an aside,
that I really get excited when others write and send me bulletins to share. I
think it is a good thing not to hear from the same person all the time. This
week Randy sent me a bulletin to share, and
as most of us know, they are in the process of fixing up a home to live
in. The thing about working on a home is that there are codes that must be
adhered to, and although some may seem redundant and generally annoying, they
are there to ensure things are done right and to keep us safe. With that in
mind, here are some thoughts from him this week.
Today I spent a good amount of time putting
in new wiring, and that always reminds me of scriptures. (Ok, I confess, you
will learn over time that just about EVERYTHING reminds me of scriptures!) For
instance, I needed to tie a circuit in to a breaker in the main box. I am
cautious about doing such things. I know that if you mishandle power even once
the results can be an unforgiving death. No second chance, no appeal. You must
respect and even have a healthy fear of it, and you must focus focus focus. When you handle it,
you should not be fooling around, or distracted, or trying to do multiple
things. I mean, not unless you do want to have a bad outcome. Even so, while I
am doing it, all sorts of parallels run
through my mind. I recall Uzza, who had good
intentions but was struck dead instantly by God for touching the ark of the covenant. There is a way to do things for God, and we must focus. Speaking of those who
didn't have a respect or a sufficiently
healthy fear, Aaron's sons it was suggested may have been a bit tipsy. I would certainly think working with wiring,
or service to God, should never be compromised by anything that impairs
our mind! Have we not read the fear of the
Lord is the beginning of knowledge?
Speaking of fear, how about "fear God and keep his
commandments?" You know, there is an electrical "code", a set of laws and
guidelines meant to keep the electrician and the consumer safe.
I know that when GFI outlets were first made into law a lot of people resisted
them. After all, an outlet used to cost about 39
cents but a GFI was 8 or 9 dollars! Because of that, even today, many homes
don't have them in spite of what the law says. People are stubborn. What is sad
is these stubborn people often die needlessly. And God tells us his
"code" of conduct, commands that come not from a tyrant for his own
pleasure or benefit, but from one who loves
us for the intention to keep us safe. Yet to benefit from these laws we must obey them, and to some people
that "costs too much." They would
have to go against their "family religion" and suffer ridicule. They
would have to bend their will, fully,
to Christ. Because of that, even today, many homes don't have Christ in
them in spite of the fact he's our king. People are stubborn. What is sad is that these stubborn people die
needlessly. I managed today to get a lot of new outlets put in, and I did it
safely. I pray I am also able to keep from getting my wires crossed with
God! Are we focused on God's code of conduct for
us, or are we distracted? Think about it! Randy