What Is Truth?


In questioning Jesus, Pilate asked the question: "what is truth?" (John 18:38) This is a question that transcends time and reaches even unto this day. Many today are asking the same question. Some have arrived at what is believed to be the answer. Others are still looking. Let us examine for a minute what the truth is not. In so doing, perhaps we can determine what is the truth.

The truth is not based on just man's opinion. The fact is, opinion is like the wind; it can change with different conditions. Many have opinions, but not all opinions are truth. There are basically two kinds of opinion. There are subjective opinion and objective. Subjective opinions are usually based on feelings, notions, ideas, and past experiences. Sometimes these opinions are fueled by feelings at a given moment in time. Objective opinions, however, are based on fact. For example, if I tell you that it is my opinion that my car will not run without gasoline, that would be an example of objective opinion. Objective opinion is based on truth. Subjective is not.


The criteria for determining truth can also vary with the individual. The question might be asked: Who or what is the authority in a particular matter? Often the right authority is not consulted. Therefore, the truth is not seen. If in spiritual discussion, I consider what "they" say regarding certain matters, I might not arrive at the truth. Jesus stated a number of times in Matthew chapters 5 and 6, "You have heard it said, but l say unto you. " He was attempting to lead those to whom He was speaking into the truth. He stated that we could know the truth (John 8:32). He also stated that He was the truth (John 14:6). To understand and obey Jesus is to know and follow the truth. He is the right authority, not man or some religious official.


Truth can be determined. Truth is attainable. The source of all truth is God. To answer the question, "What is truth?", I need only to go to the word of God and look at what it says. Like those Christians at Berea, I should "search the scriptures daily whether those things were so" (Acts 17:11 ).     Eric