It really shouldn't surprise us that so many folks read the bible and don't get it, There is evidence all around us that folks have trouble even speaking correctly, never mind their reading perceptions.


Here's a couple examples - since when does "bah" as in bah, humbug rhyme with "car"? Or on what School House Rock episode did they teach kids to pronounce words like "Java" or "idea" in such a way they rhyme with "lever" or "fever" (and I don't mean "fee-vah", I mean "fee-verrrrr")?

I happened to be out and about with my wife yesterday and overheard just a snippet of a conversation about the weather, where words like "air" had two syllables. (ay-ya). Ah this New England accent! It's bad enough that they speak with real English words creeping in, but they use the low form of English! (By the way I can say "they" because of course I am a good Ohio boy, with speech impediments of my own....)

Low form? Sure - apparently as Henry Higgins laments from "My Fair Lady", the English don't teach their children to speak. America was settled mostly not by the upper crust of society but the low class working folk, and they brought their poor speak with them. Disagree? Well, does "again" rhyme with "Ben" or "pain"? (but perhaps you think "pain" rhymes with "pen", and there my friend you are beyond hope)

It is true that words change over time, at least the way we pronounce them. I suppose they also change meaning, at least in the way we USE them. Phillip "ran" to the chariot. I don't think he


1.   transformed into a short, downhill ditch of moving water

2.     executed a program on a computer

3.    tore a scratch in his hose

4,    needed to blow his nose

5.     you get the idea, I'll stop here before I mention the obvious one....


So again, coming back it shouldn't surprise us that so many folks read the bible and don't get it. When people "talk funny" at least to this Ohio boy's ears and one mentions it to them, they usually get indignant and claim you are the one with the problem. There is no reason for it not to be pronounced that way, and if everyone talks that way you are the oddball and in the wrong, not them, and thank you very much for keeping your opinions to yourself! (and in the name of "fairness" - thank you'se faw keepin' you'se opinions tuh yah-saf, yell!)

This is not far removed from those who call good evil, and evil good. You think lying is wrong? Well sure the big lies that cause people harm, but little lies that make people feel better about themselves, how can God condemn that? And speaking of condemn, our society accepts gays, loose living, even murderers in some situations (the kids needed to express themselves, they had a cause, isn't that cute? Too bad about that bank guard that got killed...). Who are you to claim to speak for God and say these things are an abomination (does anyone know what that means anyway?) You're just mean and hateful and homophobic and not nice! (sound of stamping foot)


Fortunately the meanings do not change in God's word. We might steal our slang from the bible, but the author and original intent abide forever. So when we read "and all liars have their part in the lake of fire" it doesn't matter how we butch-ah the words when we read them aloud, as long as we are not the ones butchered in the end.
