In Eph. 4, we find a discussion concerning things which Christians should not have as a part of their lives. In verse 25, we are not to lie. Verse 26 teaches us to control our anger. And we are not to steal according to verse 28. Our language is to be godly and that which edifies is what we see in verse 29.


We recognize that these teachings are found elsewhere in God's word and are part of loving God supremely and loving our neighbor as ourselves. But note that in the middle of these verses, we find a simple statement, "Neither give place to the devil" (vs. 27), What does this statement teach us?


When we see the word "neither", we think of something like "Don't do that either". While the Ephesians were being taught about things they must not do, they were also being instructed in another thing they were not to let take place. They should never be angry, lie, steal, etc., but they were to take it one step farther. Like so many today, they needed to understand what they were doing when they did those things which were sinful. This is especially taught in the word "place".


"Place" as used here means `spot, location'. We would think of it as giving a home to the Devil. By doing those things which are sinful, we are allowing the Devil to take up a dwelling place in our lives. This we are not to do.


Yet, so many today, are like the person in Lk. 11:24-26. The principle set forth in this story is that if we do not fill our lives with that which is good, then the Devil will come back and dwell with us and make our lives more miserable than they were. Today, many become Christians but do not fill their lives with God and his word, and by not doing so, they open up their lives for the Devil to come in and take over.


That is why Paul was so strong in teaching the Ephesian brethren. They were going back into those things from which they had come and by doing so were letting the Devil rule their lives. Of course, when the Devil dwells in the lives of Christians, God does not. And if God does not rule our lives, we are lost.


The sad part is too many people today do not recognize that they have opened their lives to being controlled by the Devil. This is the deceptive work of the Devil - to teach people that if they disobey God, they will not surely die (Gen. 3:4). Have you given place to the Devil?
