Visiting other churches in other places reminds me that all churches are full of sinners and saints, and yes they are often one and the same persons! That brother Quitetheenigma, you know the guy, the one who would give you a kidney without blinking an eye and is so hospitable, but then turns around and is just so full of himself in one way or another. Or sister Hardtofigure, who is so fussy and demanding and hard to please yet would without hesitation wade into mud (or worse!) up to their knees when someone needs help. It just underscores that the most perfect church is made up of the most imperfect people, and while we might on occasion believe our congregation is "broken" that any group of people is going to have the same weak component - us - no matter where we go.


It is very refreshing. I suppose you can take that one of two ways - either all churches are flawed and Christianity is hopeless and give up (loser!), OR you recognize that while God sets the bar high for us, he believes we can do it if we just don't give up (and those are the folks he wants, the winners who don't quit.)


Anyway, I came home to some to fresh eggs at long last and some chickens that now have comb-overs (the comb is so tall its falling over the side of their heads). I reckon those were some expensive eggs, given the cost of the coop, the feed, missing garden vegetables, and the birds themselves, but they tasted mighty fine!


I also came home to much larger birds and in particular a rooster that rivals the dogs for weight, pound for pound. What a whopper! And funny thing, he crows in a peculiar way.


Seriously. I grew up hearing cartoon cocks and a good number of real ones going "cock-a­doodle-do!" but my rooster seems to be confused. He says "cock-a-do-doodle-dooooo­honk." Yes, he gets it out of order and sort of honks at the end. Now, I suppose some people think that's wrong. They might have some preconceptions of what a rooster should say. Thus when a rooster speaks any other way, instead of modifying what they believe to match reality, they try to force the source - an actual rooster - to change to what they want.


I suppose Crispy - that's his name - might go to chicken-therapy. Perhaps I should read him some long-feathered books, and talk softly and persuade him of the error of his ways. I could truck in some other roosters to hold, uh, wings with in a circle and croon and put peer-pressure on him. Maybe isolate him from the "girls" until he conforms, and reward him when he does right. Ultimately, a rather dangerous operation on his throat could eliminate any further crowing lest "other roosters hear it and become misguided likewise" because we'd hate for this to spread any further!


In case you missed the obvious parallel I am making, some people look at the bible the same way. They have their own idea what is moral and what is not, and although their idea changes depending on society, technology, convenience, or any other whim of the moment, at the time they are unbending that THEY are right. Running headlong into the morality and teachings of the bible, out of ignorance and arrogance assume the BIBLE is wrong. Throwing reality to the wind, they write books, push therapy, and suppress the spread of it lest others become misguided. Ultimately, some people will use violence to silence the truth because they feel justified and have that much hatred toward it.


Yep, the people the gospel is meant to save are the very same people that try to destroy it. I suppose one might reckon the message is "broken", but I am more inclined to think there are sadly more sinners than saints. Jesus predicted many would fail. Do you recall the dramatic way he reminded Peter? And what Peter did about it, ultimately?
