This space for rent!


Not really, of course. Many, including myself, would object early and often if someone were to use the bulletin to advertise anything other than "things that represented the church and teachings from the bible." I suppose Joe's Welding Shop and Margret's Beauty Salon will have to buy ad space somewhere else.


I hang my hat, in this regard, on these scriptures: "Giving no offence in anything, that the ministry be not blamed...Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship bath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion bath light with darkness? "


I am not saying that Joe and Margret are demon-spawn. They might be the nicest people you ever met and put many of the Christians to shame with their generosity and kindness. They might even be counted among the brethren! So what's my beef with Joe and Margret? Nothing at all. But their business is not something I can hook "Church of Christ" on to (and before you get irrationally excited, those who nitpick, the rules of capitalization for a title are the first, last, and every important word. I went to school when they taught such things)


This bulletin is pointedly by the church, for the church. Even our pot lucks are not "church sponsored" and you may have noticed they are not promoted here, either, especially as "church events." However...


The bulletin would be great for the bottom of a bird cage. I've used them to make a paper fan from when I was hot once. I've seen folks jot announcements down on them, sermon notes, and grocery lists. There is nothing "sacred" about them. Paper airplane or origami dragon? Sure! Start fires with them? Fold up old gum? Knock yourself out.


Why don't I care? Because your using the bulletin in this way doesn't damage the church. Plenty of folks have destroyed bibles but yet the gospel is unscathed. The truth must be handled correctly but just because it had scriptures on it, or the paper and ink was paid for by the church, doesn't make this scrap of wood pulp holy or sanctified. It is an aide but no more than that. The words of God (not Randy) abide forever.


In fact, the devil used scripture to attempt to deceive Jesus, but even that doesn't make scripture bad. It is the way we use it, or allow it to be used. If we leverage the opportunity of the bulletin for good, and give no offense in anything, then the church cannot be blamed. If others take what is said and use it for other things - maybe even Joe and Margret give a copy to each of their customers - that is their business, not ours. If we speak plainly and honestly we have nothing to fear, and that is our business.


There is a space we all can rent, though, and oh so often do, to the wrong kind of people! While we might disagree about ad space in the bulletin or space even in the building, there is another that we must be cautious not to lease out to the highest bidder no matter what. Very few folks would rent their house, for example, to people who you could obviously see would destroy it, by smashing windows or tearing out the walls. I wonder then why we are so quick to drop the minimum requirements so low to rent this other space that is much closer to us?


What other space do we rent so carelessly? The space between our ears of course. "Think!" about it!
