I have to admit I am a movie kind of guy; it's one of my favorite things to do with my wife. One of the reasons I like movies is because you can learn things from them, life lessons if you will, and if you think about it. Now truthfully most movies aren't worth watching because of the content, but if you do catch a good one the odds are it will leave a lasting impression on you. You will remember it because something about the movie that applies to your life; there is a theme or a quote perhaps that you can learn a valuable lesson from. I don't know if they are actually called movie quotes but that's what I call them, anyways, and when I am watching a movie that's what I am looking for. If I can remember them long enough I jot them down on paper as a reminder.


The other day I was caught the tail end of "The American President", which stars Michael Douglas as the president and Michael J Fox as his chief adviser. The scene of the movie quote was in the oval office, where a discussion between the two was taking place about the drop in the president's poll numbers, and Lewis (played by Fox) says to the president


"People want leadership Mr. President, they are so thirsty for it, they will crawl through the desert toward a mirage, and when they discover there is no water... they will drink the sand." The president's response was, "Lewis, people don't drink the sand because their thirsty for it, they drink the sand because they can't tell the difference." The moment I heard this, I thought of my adversary and your adversary the devil, because brothers and sisters this is exactly how he operates. He convinces people the sand is no different then the water. He lost the battle and has received his just condemnation, so he prowls about this earth seeking those to devour, he is called the father of lies, and the great deceiver in God's word. In the beginning he convinced Adam and Eve to eat of the forbidden tree: "you will surely not die" he said. He convinced them that the sand was no different then the water, whether you eat of the tree or not, there is no difference, you will not die.


Sadly, the devil is very successful in what he does, there are millions of people that are drinking the sand instead of the living water, because they are convinced that they are OK the way they are. This can be true of Christians as well as the unbeliever. This journey that we have undertaken is a long and perilous one, because we have an enemy that never gives up and knows what he is doing. Everything in, of or part of this world, is sand; just perishable, temporal sand. When you think about it, drink too much of it and your dead!


But you can never have enough of living water! When Jesus was on the earth and spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well, he said in John 4:14...."Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst, but the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."


So I ask you, what are you drinking.. .living water? or the sand?
