The views expressed in this bulletin do not necessarily represent those of The Church of Christ in Greater Lowell or its members...


Wow, how does that grab you? I always sort of laugh when I see a similar note at the bottom of an email from a friend who emailed from his work, or at the start of an infomercial on TV late, late at night when things switch over.


However, I know that there are some who don't care for what my bulletins will express from time to time. When you are daring enough to stick your neck out and try to encourage others, sooner or later someone comes along with an axe to grind and, well, does more than just grind with it. I try because I care.


I would like to think the views here represent your views. Even if they don't and I wildly vary from what you think, I would LIKE to accurately express the truth from the word of God, unjaded. That is limited by my imperfections - how well I understand the bible, do I have some doctrinal ideas to push, what prejudices have I grown up with and carried along from my upbringing, too much pride and trying too hard to make scripture fit some witty story, maybe I think I have some high and mighty position to maintain., etc. You know, that sort of thing. Bleah.


Truly, I wonder if we all couldn't have the same disclaimer plastered across us. Do we express the views of God? How well do each of us represent the group that meets here in our location? Do you find yourself doing things that you would be embarrassed to have the fellowship find out about? Why do we do these things?


On the other hand, maybe you represent God well. Ever get strange looks when you turn away un-amused from a nasty joke or story? Get grief from your business associates when they want to go out and "relax at the watering hole" and you tell them you'd rather not? Or get the shocker look when something improper slips out that makes you blush and you apologize for, which they say every other word and don't understand why you are making a big deal about it?


I would submit that if you are NOT expressing the views of the church, that is when you might want to start to worry. You won't be perfect, yet we need to recognize this responsibility for what it is, a great one, a serious one.


Because, you see, it's a question of liability. God is never a liability to me, and I should never think obeying him and following his word makes him one when the rest of the world thinks I am strange, if I miss out on promotions or the like because I don't fit in to someone else's mold. I am not interested in those things, but I *am* interested in continuing to stick my neck out and encourage you people. You see, I want us all to stay on track. I don't want to get to heaven and God look at us and say "The views expressed by The Church of Christ in Greater Lowell do not necessarily express those of Heaven and its members..."
