As I understand it, soap comes in various forms: solid. powdered. liquid, and paste.
As I understand it, soap comes in various forms: solid. powdered. liquid, and paste. These are my opinions, and today some of these opinions are going to be expanded on. No need to agree with me. but you're welcome to read along.

Oh, we could quibble and say soap is really either liquid or solid., but even then I could disagree with you that soap is always a solid, just ground up in little pieces or having water added. Let's just go with the above states for now. The thing is whatever form it comes in, it's in that form for a particular reason. Solid bars are great for washing hands and lasting a long time, but liquid soap would do just as well (but not last as long). Paste soap is fantastic for rubbing on the bottom of pots you set over a fire for easy cleanup later. yet solid would do just as well (but what a chore to get it on there!) Washing my hair with anything but liquid soap makes it difficult to rinse out.

The thing is, soap is just soap. It may take these forms but in every form it can be made to be pretty much interchangeable for the others. We use it this way or that because it is easier to apply.

Now consider the bible. There's the book, bam!, on your coffee table. Too much for you in one solid lump? Ok, let's powder it up a bit. How about a bible study, at the building or in a home. Still the truth, still the bible, but now in little pieces. Still effective in converting souls! And sometimes more appropriate than just reading the book from cover to cover by yourself, especially when you are struggling with something right now and you need a solution fast. Note these are not exclusive, there's still a need for reading that book!

And then there are commentaries and talks. I always think of this as similar to shampoo. No matter the quality or brand of the soap, it's still got one basic ingredient. Water. So it's watered down a bit, with the personality of the writer or the speaker, for good or ill. I mean, too good a speaker and they can redirect your focus from the word to them. Too bad a speaker and you get turned off on the whole thing. Sometimes folks say Mr Preacher XYZ's position on something is this - as if that's the end of the argument because he's such a well known and well liked and well grounded guy. Or the converse - someone who is NOT well known says something true and people say so what, they've never heard of him. And sometimes one may interject personal beliefs, too, which may lead us to error if we don't be careful. That's what happens when we worry about the water rather than the soap! Let the water evaporate, get rid of the extra opinions, and what do you end up with? Hopefully that solid soap again!

There's a time and a place for all of these, as long as what we remember is that what's most important is the soap. That which cleans up our lives, the love, knowledge, wisdom and guidance from God. As a paste it protects us when we're placed over the fires of trials. In our lives as a powder it's there ready to go instantly when we need to apply it. As a liquid it works down into our everyday living, every last crack and crevice. It can be packaged many ways but my favorite is still that solid lump. Because when I read it, I don't get anyone's bias or spin or emphasis. I just get soap.

And consider this, when you have a lot of dirt in your life and you apply the soap, it's very strong and it may make you cry. But once we're newborn in Christ, once we've sought out this soap to use in ever), form it comes in and cleaned up our act, laundered our robes, and washed out our lives, the brand we'll use is ultimately just like Johnson and Johnson. No more tears.
