Whenever I go on a trip for work
Whenever I go on a trip for work, I have to write up a trip report. That means, of course, that I'm supposed to tell of all the highlights of my trip in such a way that the most people possible, (ie the folks who stayed home) benefit from it. Trip reports are nice because they often generate new ideas and sometimes are used as reference material long after the actual trip itself took place.

In the spirit of such a technical document, let me tell you all about my visit with a congregation that meets in Sunnyvale, CA. But let me warn you, if you were hoping for something "new" or "different" than what you have here, you will be sadly disappointed.

Right away I noted the building is not fancy or decorated in some overbearingly religious way. I was greeted with a plain, simple sign that said "Church of Christ" - much like the same one that adorns the front of our property here.

When I met the membership, I learned the size of the group was about 70 souls, and recently they boasted much larger numbers. Due to the economy and the cost of housing, their attendance had dwindled to this small but very determined size. Sound familiar? Also much like us, the Sunday morning numbers were one thing but when I came back Sunday night it was something else. This, also, is unfortunately nothing new to our group here.

When I went inside, I was greeted by people who I had met before - Stephanie Claussen and her mother, for instance, just like when I stroll inside our building here and bump into Robert, or Dave, or the rest of you. One of their elders and his wife was on some trip to Israel or some such place with some dude named Jenkins or something like that and was expected back that evening... hmmm, seems like we also had an elder and his wife doing something similar, with some similarly-named travel-agent...

I met nice people who knew nice people I also knew (phew!) such as a friendly lady named Maryanne who knows the Chetelats. Again, as I often run into people here who know my father in Colorado, my sister from Texas, or friends I hold dear from other places. Larry Campbell for instance (now, many from Sunnyvale!)

Finally, everyone gave me a nice smile, a firm handshake, and was glad to see me. Just like here? Absolutely. Oh - and most importantly, they preached the same message we do here. Christ Jesus and walking in faith by obedience. The exact same message. Image that!

Well - I guess there were at least two more things. One, they had happy children that marched around the pews after services was over. I am always delighted to see happy, smiling, laughing children wherever I go (and as children of light should we also not be equally light-hearted?) I also noticed a crack or two in the drywall. So shoot me, after ten years of hanging drywall for a living I still look at doors, ceilings, and walls the same way a mechanic looks any engine that comes along - professional curiosity. But while there were a few little cracks in the walls, I sure didn't see any cracks in the people! I constantly pray the same for us, brethren!
