My father likes to tell the story
My father likes to tell the story about the Methodist preacher who, one Easter morning, noticed as usual the meeting house was packed with those I-only-go-twice-a-year members. Hoping to give them something to think about, he got up to deliver a lesson and started with "For those of you who went out and bought new shoes, hats, and dresses and came this morning to see and be seen - OK, we've seen you. You can go home now and maybe we'll see you again at Christmas. The rest of you, kick your shoes off and get comfortable and let's worship God." The next day he was dismissed from his job.

We laugh a little at this, but it rings true does it, not? Why was the preacher fired? He made some people uncomfortable by telling them the truth. But was he right? I personally know many people who think that. somehow there are two days in particular that you just can't miss church, but the rest of the year it's not so important.

What makes them think this, that somehow ignoring God for most of the year but being "churched" on these man-made "holy days" makes up for it? It's sad that they have such a terrible sickness of the heart, because that's how I would describe it. Someone died for me, someone innocent and blameless with no guile found in him at all. Never mind that I was cruel and mean and full of evil, deserving of the harsh fate I was destined to have. No, instead someone else took my place, laid their life down, took my blame away. If I didn't feel gratitude, if I didn't feel shame at being the cause of it, then there must be something wrong with me, a sickness of the heart.

I think I would try to do anything and everything to show that person, Jesus, just how I felt. I think I would look at the commands he gave, as my king, and obey him not just because he's the king (and he is) and not just because it's expected of me (and it is) and not just because it's a good habit to have (and it is). I would hope I'd do it to demonstrate the love I have for him, knowing that what he commands is for my good, and that nothing is asked that punishes me or is too difficult. After all he's done for me, and after all he continues to do, I would hope I would joyfully worship him without grudging him my time or anything else. I'd look around for some other people who felt the same way (we have a bunch here!) and join up with them and remember all he's done for me.

So these people that think coming twice a year is good enough, they baffle me. I'm surprised they bother at all in a way. Do they think their heart is right with God? Do they think they are pleasing to Jesus? We all just kind of shake our heads, don't we, wondering how they can possibly believe doing what is, even for them, the bare minimum of worship will make their heart to be right. If they had a healthy heart towards God they would be here all the time, gathering with God's people, studying his word and encouraging others. Proclaiming their gratitude to Jesus.

By the way, when the doors open tonight I'll be here! Think about it.
