People are always seem
People are always seem to be asked to volunteer around this time of year. There are people needed to till all kinds of roles, especially in charity organizations. Among ourselves we've also got a need for volunteers with jobs that may seem unglamorous but still very much appreciated by many of us. I've been asked to create the survey below, and I hope you take time to fill it out and give it back to one of the elders. Don't feel that you have to volunteer out of guilt or compulsion of any kind, but consider it an opportunity to serve one another here. Some of these are individual and some are by family, please volunteer however you feel most appropriate. If you're not sure what all the job will entail, ask the deacon here in the area related to the task and I'm confident they will be glad to explain to your satisfaction..


[ ] I would like to be listed in the building cleaning rotation and look forward to Robert scheduling me in to take part in this highly visible but "thankless" job.

[ ] I would like to take part in teaching classes, and would like Brent to contact me about an opportunity to do so.

[ ] I'm interested in helping organize the existing class materials into easy to find example lessons for the teachers to use.

[ ] I'm shy about teaching but I would be glad to help prepare class materials for those who take on this important task and would deliver if called upon.

[ ] I'd like to help prepare communion for Sunday worship services.

[ ] I'd like to be the monthly greeter and hand out bulletins, smiles, and handshakes to one and all on Sunday mornings.

[ ] I'd like to start up a class in my home, or I'd be willing to attend a class in someone else's nearby home on a regular basis.

[ ] I'd love to do some public personal work and help Kieran hand out t1iers or whatever else comes our way.

[ ] I'm interested in writing letters to the visitors we get thanking them for praying with us on their travels to the area.

[ ] I heard there is a TV and Radio show here and want to actively help out these efforts.

And. of course:

[ ] I'd like to write bulletins so at least once in a while the members here have something worthwhile to read as they wait for services to start.